ok i was in funpk with my friend n then he killed me
like 7times
then like 8th time i died
and i lsot everything
full dharoks
dh axe
25 obby capes
obby maul
obby shield
rune boots
ammyof fury
and thats it
it said i was defeated or w.e then i was in lumby with nothing!
plz help
user pur3 loco5
I'm sure you already know that you can lose items when in funpk. It's not a problem, you just got the consequences of losing there.
(I have a feeling that I'm wrong about how funpk works; let me know if I am.)
You can't lose stuff at FunPK, but sometimes stuff happens and you have to deal with it.
Funpk, is only part of the wildy...if you go far out you will enter real wildy, causing players to kill you, and items not saved on death.
Did you teleport in the middle of a fight and get farcasted?
and i did tell you that the items you lost will not be given back there nothing that can be done about them, this is just pointless people always die in unfair ways and loose things they usually beg for them, but there is nothing that can be done. :'(
if u tele when u r dead and the guy is still standing there telling u ur dead, u cant tele because if u teleport out of the funpk it counts as an actual death and u will lose your items