That says most of it. ;D!!!!!!!!!!!! ::)!!!!! 130 STR FTW!@@@!~!!!!
Congrats ;)
Why thank-you, Zack. =D
Grats Jack!!!! :D!! grats Jacky boy!
Why thank you Banana. ;D And i'm a guy, like it states in my name F00!
Quote from: serguy3 on June 07, 2009, 12:50:00 AM
And i'm a guy, like it states in my name F00!
Gratz i was dere :D and when did he mention ur Sex??
Quote from: Banana boy on June 06, 2009, 11:25:02 PM
Grats Jack!!!! :D!! grats Jacky boy!
I'm stating i'm not a BOY, I'm GUY. XD
Rofl mmk and im about to hit 130 str aswell :) ~M~