Selling Disk Of Returning post your offers here!!
What does the Disk of Returning even do, if I might ask..?
In RuneScape classic there was a place that banned players would go, and people wanted to go there. To get there a player would talk to a dwarf in the Dwarven Mines to be teleported there. To get back you had to have a Disk of Returning. It was removed because people would tell players to drop the Disk to get free stuff etc. so Jagex took it out.
Please get back on topic about my disk of returning i wan't it sold..
hey m a d i been trying to get one sell me it?
Quote from: chaoslancex on June 03, 2009, 11:47:11 AM
hey m a d i been trying to get one sell me it?
This isn't the real MADMAN. Zack1 stole his names...
I didn't steal M A D M A N S name.. wow what are your problems?!
yeah course not. so your the real mad ,eh? KTHXXBAII ~M~
Quote from: kevin711 on June 02, 2009, 12:10:09 PM
What does the Disk of Returning even do, if I might ask..?
Lol -.- i made that logo :P
Come back on his topic. He want his DOR been sold.
He was selling this in June of 2009. Please check the dates next time.