Is it a good video and should i make more?
Option 1: Yes
votes: 16
Option 2: No
votes: 3
I guess I got there a few minutes after that happened :o
It was a good fight, I've never seen such a battle =o.
wow that was a good fight!
so i should make more?
Good going Steve! Owned that nerd!
Wow steve u go girl ::)
guys this isn't a thread to spam only post if you are answering my question.
post on reply or poll btw the question is is the vid good and should i make more?please vote :-X
srry that im posting but i canno't see the picture so i cannon vote..
if you can get pic. to come up i will vote. :-\
chaos its not a pic its a vid and yes skilla u should make more pk vids
Yeah skilla make more videos :)
Hope you all realize this isn't his video unless he has two forum accounts and in-game accounts. Bleeeep (a.k.a. Waffles) made this video as you can clearly see.
oh i see so it's not a picture, well i still can't see the vid. :P
whats the name of this song?
nd yes it was a good fight, make more vids?
go steve.
I like how people don't believe me that i can't kill poon................obviously i can. btw gf poon.
good vid try doing so more editing and mabey zoom in a bit but its ok btw k0ed or k0ed = beast next to zaaa =] unfortunatly poon ran away from me last fight....lol
hahahahaa..remember when me and you were agiasnt volcy and poon? lmao...killed poon in about 6 secs and 3 hit volcy.......... ;D :D
i was told about that
yes this is my vid i just made an acc named bleeeep lol.
awsome! you should make more!
Pooo pooo post diggin!! ::)
yeah they r really good... :o!!
wow nice! make more. if it wasnt for that darn lag it would have been cooler