If Some one knows when blitz comes plz post here!!!
I don't think it has been announced yet. But, Ry is working on coding it.
there is no date set but i have a feeling it will come s00n!!! :D
I hope so. Because 2 years ago they were saying: ''blitz is coming''.. And didn't see a blitz yet >:(
ah come on, Jeremy and Ryan are doing there best to make it the best ever, little more waiting wont hurt anybody ???
Quote from: chaoslancex on May 27, 2009, 06:41:10 PM
ah come on, Jeremy and Ryan are doing there best to make it the best ever, little more waiting wont hurt anybody ???
We will see.
They are making the server (508) from scratch. Not even from palindino76 <-- forgot. so, they are making you a surprise :)
A lot is being done, right now the Administrative stuff is being done. There is not a actual release date, just stay tune.
Quote from: Mod Sean on May 28, 2009, 10:34:33 PM
A lot is being done, right now the Administrative stuff is being done. There is not a actual release date, just stay tune.
I don't think its coming this year? or is it..?
Ryan and Jeremy are working very hard on this game. It will come out when it comes out. Patience is a virtue. :D
yea patience but i have a feeling sometime next year or end of this year
It'll be out when it's out. There's no specific set-date, but you'll obviously know when it's out so I wouldn't worry about it.
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