trading anything ie party hats cash or other items
Option 1: blue party hats and
votes: 0
Option 2: white party hats for offer
votes: 0
buying crystal shield, easter ring and that egg that makes you a rabbit, pm damokazamo or reply below if selling or know someone that is
plz ignore poll, i will be paying cash
ty damo
omg how do i delete poll?
dear, damo
i seen that mods have called you out on pointless posts please retrain from making them, there is no point in them and it is againts rules i belive.
and about the deleting your own post, is not poissible members are no longer allowed to delet there own posts, for this reason plz don't make pointless posts.
Just PM a mod to close the thread.
or just change the name of the topic to "close topic"
i'll sell you an easter ring
i'll sell crystal shield.
oh and i'll sell you crystal shield lol