WorldScape Blitz

Community => Banners, Logos and other Graphics => Topic started by: Cavallers on May 06, 2009, 01:11:38 AM

Title: Edited:
Post by: Cavallers on May 06, 2009, 01:11:38 AM
well zack reported me earlier that some one stole the banner that i made for him

therefor, i am making a copyright now of every single signature/banner/logo I've made, for me and for the person i made it for.

so i see anybody using a signature that doesn't belong to them i will have to take them away.
Title: Re: signature/banner/logo rule
Post by: Voltimolt on May 06, 2009, 07:07:45 AM
I think full copyright will go to the banner owner. Not you Cav.

You make,
They Keep,
You cannot Copyright for it
And you cannot take it away.
Title: Re: signature/banner/logo rule
Post by: Zack on May 06, 2009, 08:30:52 AM
I think it should belong to the owner for making it and AGF. (As stated by Jeremy) The person that the owner made it for is just allowed to use it with their permission.
Title: Re: signature/banner/logo rule
Post by: Cavallers on May 06, 2009, 12:02:33 PM
i made the banner so i should get copyright for it,i could use the banners it if i wanted to.

and it isn't fair to let people take away what's yours,so i am going to take them away.

so this means only me and the person i made the banner/logo/signature for can use it.
Title: Re: signature/banner/logo rule
Post by: Zack on May 07, 2009, 05:53:07 PM
QuoteTerms of Use:

By posting any 'logo' or 'banner' which you have made or which you have been granted permission to share/use, you hereby agree and allow AllGoFree to use, publish, or edit the posted image as deemed reasonable by AllGoFree. Juxtaposition to the aforementioned you you give AllGoFree FULL ownership of your post. In agreement to the Terms of Use you must agree upon to use this website; any post, or anything that the posts contain belong to AllGoFree and AllGoFree alone are responsible for it's contents.
And AGF :-\
Title: Re: signature/banner/logo rule
Post by: Voltimolt on May 08, 2009, 01:04:39 AM
Agreed, I changed my mind. I think The Owner of the Logo/Banner/Signature Maker, the person who retrieves it and AGF just cause they're awesome.

Title: Re: signature/banner/logo rule
Post by: Jeremy on May 11, 2009, 01:48:07 PM
Quote from: Cavallers on May 06, 2009, 12:02:33 PM
i made the banner so i should get copyright for it,i could use the banners it if i wanted to.

and it isn't fair to let people take away what's yours,so i am going to take them away.

so this means only me and the person i made the banner/logo/signature for can use it.

Mr. Cav. Anything you upload to our website becomes property of AllGoFree. You knew that before you posted your banner, because it's stickied as such in board sectional rules. If you have forgotten what it included, i'll post it here:

""Terms of Use:

By posting any 'logo' or 'banner' which you have made or which you have been granted permission to share/use, you hereby agree and allow AllGoFree to use, publish, or edit the posted image as deemed reasonable by AllGoFree. Juxtaposition to the aforementioned you give AllGoFree FULL ownership of your post. In agreement to the Terms of Use you must agree upon to use this website; any post, or anything that the posts contain belong to AllGoFree and AllGoFree alone are responsible for it's contents.


Posting anything that breaks the Forum Policy will result in your account being disabled. Anything that is held to the rest of the forum is held here as well. If you are unaware of the Forum Policy we strongly suggest you read it over before you continue to post any further. You can find the Forum Policy here:,3.0.html""

By posting, you agree. If you have a problem, or if you disagree with the Terms of Use, then you are not allowed to post anymore.

Title: Re: signature/banner/logo rule
Post by: Jeremy on May 11, 2009, 01:48:55 PM
Sticky removed.