Hi guys, i'm making a contest!
Winner gets a good prize so post you're funniest pictures!!!
If you need help go to www.tinypic.com and upload your funny pictures and copy the IMG code into your post. :))
These really cracked me up.
Davy Jones Arrrr
Sea Lovin
Lmao. ;)
(http://i41.tinypic.com/2a5wshk.jpg) bwahahaha lol
woooo go Hannah Montana!
rofl ^^^^^^ epic lagg :P.
Quote from: Bill on April 10, 2009, 03:02:19 PM
That is so epic I think that Bill should win.
That's it I am calling it now Bill
WINS.Mia Bill won ok this contest is over. LOL
i think that biggdog's signature pic should win, besides the pics that bill has wont load for me anyway so i wouldnt know
:P http://www.epicfail.com
I think I should win out of sympathy. Sorry Bill. ;)
(This was taken 10 minutes after getting my new removeable drive for my brithday)
Wow, that kid in mia's post is a f*g... and I don't get yours Cole, but I don't understand computers at all..
WARNING! This may be unipropiate for some users... but it is very funny!(lymfao! laugh your mutha f***ing @$$ off)
http://pics.nerdnirvana.org/d/8213-1/snowmen-blowjob.jpg (http://pics.nerdnirvana.org/d/8213-1/snowmen-blowjob.jpg)
Edit: Replaced image with URL due to content. Zack
Quote from: Banjo Hick on January 17, 2010, 12:17:55 AM
Wow, that kid in mia's post is a f*g... and I don't get yours Cole, but I don't understand computers at all..
Basicly on the first thing, it's saying I've used all the space except that tiny line. Then on the second one, it's saying all the space is free except that tiny line.
(one's totaly full, one's completely empty)
XD, 1 more picture coal :P
Quote from: Coleshot1 on January 17, 2010, 12:16:25 AM
I think I should win out of sympathy. Sorry Bill. ;)
(This was taken 10 minutes after getting my new removeable drive for my brithday)
Why doesn't the computer balance them out then?
XD, i either laughed or awwwwed at these pics 8)
This is a battle over the funniest picture not mac and windows