Hey guys, well i've decided to make new goals.
here they are:
1- Get over my fear of crowds. ( cant even go to the refridgerator in a store to get a drink with people around me without panicing )
2- Start a singing career. ( First i need to practice my crowd managment, i cant even sing in front of my friends ) :(
3- Improve in my In-Game Skills.
4- Be a better moderator.
5- Get a job. (Future job would be a councillor or a child carer)
6- Move out of my house, WITHOUT getting kicked out.
7- Own my own business.
8- Have a wonderful husband and 2 children. ;) ^^
9- Raise enough money to help the homeless.
10- Design me own wedding dress, also make it. ( i took 3 years in sewing and designing clothes in high school and primary.)
11- At least get some of these goals reached.
12- Die without leaving any regrets.
13- Have everyone i know be proud of me for something.
14- Get over my shyness. (Almost done :D)
15- Stay with the one i love for as long as i possibly can.
:) that's my goals! from now till i die.
Quote from: Mia on April 02, 2009, 03:13:59 AM
6- Move out of my house, WITHOUT getting kicked out.
My friends dad just kicked him out of his house for no reason and now he has to move to Arizona :(
lol well gl mia,
and about the kicking out, i got kicked out of my aunts house where i use to live she was like i don't want you here anymore GO!!!! ALWAY!! i cryed :'(
i don't like her anymore she is a mean aunt.
but to you mia good luck, from your friend Oscar Aka chaoslancex. :)
Good luck Mia have fun doing all of that (Mia you may know pumba8488, well that was my old account) Have fun old friend :)
Read the date.. (May 13th)
~Banana Boy~