I left worldscape and "study leave" to learn to code e.t.c, i put up a server and kept getting SYIED so...I SYIED back and hacked and erased there files.But, alot of those noobs tried using an online program named ~All-Go-Free~ bot, did Ryan/Jeremy/Mod "whatshisname"* code and create this, as i know your very good with online programs...
*Sorry your name just never sinks in...{-.-}
Well, I have also heard of that program. But it could just be random they have the same name, Cause I know other sites that use "Worldscape" as there name.
Er.... I think it might be..due to the link from allgofree I found "http://www.allgofree.org/blitzbot/"
Just go on the MoparScape forums and search for "AGF Bot" and you should find a way to stop them.
Ty, i found that link too..
I think we need Jeremy or Ryan to answer.
Also sorry this is in wrong section, just found off-topic page.
Could someone please move?