well, worldscapeblitz is offline. hope you can fix it :d.
Yea i came back from soccer practice, thinking: 'now i'm gonna lvl a bit'. so far my thoughts.
Hope u can fix it...
I was playin when it stopped. Any particualr reason?
Quote from: Delicious on March 18, 2009, 05:53:13 PM
I was playin when it stopped. Any particualr reason?
Maybe some sort of server problem or a major update/upgrade going on.
if it were an update it would say: UPDATING.
Quote from: serguy3 on March 18, 2009, 07:52:01 PM
if it were an update it would say: UPDATING.
Ah, thanks. At least I now know there's an indicator for an update.
awww im lonley now haha
Server is up and running
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