Made this! :-)
Use as you wish!
Very well done, Good Job
Good work Mia! You are getting very good. :) Keep it up.
To be honest I think you should have kept the IMG code secret and let people apply to get the code.
I can see it being miss-used.
[looks neat by the way]
Quote from: Jake on December 17, 2012, 05:54:56 AM
To be honest I think you should have kept the IMG code secret and let people apply to get the code.
I can see it being miss-used.
[looks neat by the way]
People can still find out the code even though they don't publish it, I can find out your signature's code.
Yes but people wouldn't go through that much effort to do that. Plus it would make them look even more silly.
Quote from: Jake on December 17, 2012, 06:44:26 AM
Yes but people wouldn't go through that much effort to do that. Plus it would make them look even more silly.
True that but you only have to right click and hit 'Copy Image URL'
Honestly, good work the banner's awesome. I just don't why anybody would call themselves a legend, it's not a title that you're supposed to give yourself. I was talking to a newer player the other day and he was complaining about how this is such an elitist community. How everybody brags about how long they've been here and are really cocky about it. I was treated the same way when I started, just wanted to try and open up your eyes a bit and see that this kind of behavior makes it really hard to be accepted in this community.
As much as I hate everyone in this community, garrdrenn is correct. Almost everyone in this community is an elitist, and it really only caters to a small group of people, and not everyone is a stubborn hard ass like me who doesn't care what anyone says, most people are very sensitive to places like this where everyone gets their rocks off by power tripping other players.
Jake you can quote the original post and get the image code, so there is really no way you can stop it from being misused.
Quote from: wolf on December 17, 2012, 06:39:18 PM
Jake you can quote the original post and get the image code, so there is really no way you can stop it from being misused.
I'm not saying that she needed to add the image to the post. That has already past by the way.
It's her decision anyway. I just see it being misused.