WorldScape Blitz

Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: made 4 range on February 27, 2009, 11:05:21 AM

Title: [MAC USER] Question to Ry or anyone that know anything bout this.
Post by: made 4 range on February 27, 2009, 11:05:21 AM
I am a mac user as displayed on the subject.
I wonder how u get the client playable for mac?
As i know i have to use Therminal, and i've tried the commands a thousand times and modified and stuff.
But i never get it to work, as i get lots of different errors.
Ans since i see you've managed to do this, i thought i could ask U Ry or somone else arround here
how do do it in some easy steps?
Help would be really appreaciated and rewarded on my own server.
NB! I really find the help important as i have to compile and test the millions of code if modified.
(i've been coding my server for almost a year now)
[This does not mean i have been trying to make it able for mac in a year because i started looking today, then i remembered that this client actually works on mac. And i've been using it for a long time]
- Made 4 range
Title: Re: [MAC USER] Question to Ry or anyone that know anything bout this.
Post by: bhs on March 08, 2009, 11:45:44 AM
I have a mac, It is quite new and don't want to get into specifics but This is the ONLY server I have ever been able to download, I am not sure about WSB, I really want to play it.  I am not sure about your problem, try and download WINRAR I would suggest.
Title: Re: [MAC USER] Question to Ry or anyone that know anything bout this.
Post by: Delicious on June 04, 2009, 12:53:52 PM
Guys Guys Guys,

First of all, I'm a Mac user too.
Second of all, Most clients out there are compiled on a pc, making it unable to be open on Macs some-what outdated version of Java, but you can't update it so don't try lol. You have to compile the client on your Mac. Blitz will be Mac-compatable btw. If the client is open source, there ya go. Knock your self out. With a few compiling commands, you will be in buisness.

Your fellow Mac user,

Title: Re: [MAC USER] Question to Ry or anyone that know anything bout this.
Post by: Triniboy on June 04, 2009, 01:05:25 PM
Quote from: bhs on March 08, 2009, 11:45:44 AM
I have a mac, It is quite new and don't want to get into specifics but This is the ONLY server I have ever been able to download, I am not sure about WSB, I really want to play it.  I am not sure about your problem, try and download WINRAR I would suggest.

I'm sure for worldscape Blitz, it should be able to run on a Mac :)
Title: Re: [MAC USER] Question to Ry or anyone that know anything bout this.
Post by: Volcanic Me on June 04, 2009, 06:10:28 PM
For anyone else who decides this in the future:

Quote from: Bill on December 14, 2008, 11:57:19 PM
I have seen a thread lately that some players posted about them creating their own server and they have posted about it on the Worldscape forums. They also had the nerve to ask Ryan and Jeremy help with coding it. Just to get a few things straight, never post or make it public to the eyes of Worldscape that you are creating your own server. You are exposing Worldscape's players to your server and that is not tolerated here on Worldscape or the forums.
This post has been confirmed by a member of the AllGoFree Staff.
Title: Re: [MAC USER] Question to Ry or anyone that know anything bout this.
Post by: Thrive on June 05, 2009, 02:54:22 PM
Quote from: bhs on March 08, 2009, 11:45:44 AM
I have a mac, It is quite new and don't want to get into specifics but This is the ONLY server I have ever been able to download, I am not sure about WSB, I really want to play it.  I am not sure about your problem, try and download WINRAR I would suggest.

heres something cool: WIN = WINDOWS IN WINRAR
What happens is that macs run on Javac 1.5.0 in which regular servers are used in windows.
Ry had to hard code it so that it would compile with javac 1.5.0
Suggestion if you want to play/host other servers, just use the bootcamp applications and a windows disc and will run windows on your mac. I have vm ware which allows you to run both windows and mac at the same time.
Otherwise, have fun playing AGF, seeing as its the only mac client. Moparscape is another client, but its horrible. Sooo enjoy WS!
Title: Re: [MAC USER] Question to Ry or anyone that know anything bout this.
Post by: Delicious on June 24, 2009, 12:31:58 AM
Or you can get the client that i coded? It works perfectly.
Title: Re: [MAC USER] Question to Ry or anyone that know anything bout this.
Post by: Zack on June 24, 2009, 12:34:29 AM
Or I have an even better idea. Install Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) as a secondary OS next to Mac OS X. It supports Java and most clients. And is based on Unix just like Macs.
Title: Re: [MAC USER] Question to Ry or anyone that know anything bout this.
Post by: Delicious on June 25, 2009, 01:18:54 AM
That could also work, but is alot more complicated. I can post a couple of pics of running the blitz client on mac, just to show you if you wanted  ::)