As all the Australians on here would know and feel the deep emotional towards this loving family.
After nine years of anguish, the family of Queensland schoolboy Daniel Morcombe have finally farewelled their son and brother.
Thousands attended a funeral to farewell the teenager nine years to the day since he disappeared while waiting for a bus to go Christmas shopping.
Audio: Family and friends farewell Daniel Morcombe (PM)
The 13-year-old's remains were found last year in bushland in the Sunshine Coast hinterland.
Daniel's family was joined by former classmates, police officers and politicians for the service at his old school, the Siena Catholic College at Sippy Downs.
Bruce and Denise Morcombe placed their son's unopened Christmas presents from nine years ago on his coffin.
Timeline: Daniel Morcombe
Look back at key developments in the case
The Morcombes asked people not to be sad or angry but to celebrate their son's life.
"I appeal to you all - please do not be sad," Bruce Morcombe said.
"Appreciate that the evil act that took Daniel happened a long time ago.
"Today is about embracing his return to family and being reflective of what might have been."
Mr Morcombe also paid tribute to everyone who helped in the search for his son, describing Daniel as a quiet, unassuming little boy.
"He was not an attention-seeker, yet because of his sparkling eyes and beaming smile, he is someone everyone took into their hearts," he said.
In his eulogy, Daniel's brother Dean spoke of the close bond Daniel had with his twin Bradley.
Dean Morcombe also described his younger brother's love of animals, food and motocross bikes.
"Daniel was my riding buddy - we would encourage each other to go that bit harder, higher and faster - he was tough," he said.
The only thing Daniel that was recovered of this beautiful boy was 3 bones and his shoes. His family NEVER gave up.
9 years during his investigation and still, Daniel has allowed Australia to be safer. As his legacy lives on so will the future of Australia.
he Daniel Morcombe Foundation Inc is very active in implementing ‘Harm Prevention’ initiatives. Indeed, this area of our work has increased to form a major proportion of our time, energies and available funding. We are committed to teaching Personal Safety to the young and vulnerable in our community by providing these important skills, free of charge and easily accessible to everyone in Australia. Mission:The Foundation’s Vision All too often, children are the innocent victim’s in our sometimes cruel society. The events surrounding Daniel’s disappearance have strengthened a community in their resolve to ensure that this type of tragedy never occurs again. But the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s belief and vision is one that also incorporates a future where all children are provided with protection, education and support in their lives. The objectives of the foundation are simple and wide reaching across many facets of our community. 1. To educate children regarding their personal safety (including abduction) 2. To assist victims of crime, particularly where crime involves children 3. To continue the search for Daniel 4. To raise funds from public and Government entities to support the above objectives 5. To provide a vehicle to attract funding from State and Federal bodies and to establish and maintain a public fund to attract public donations and bequests
Love you Daniel!
There family is truly amazing. It's very sad that things like this happen.