??? In this article which you may or may not have heard of is that Obama has said that the war in Iraq is "Winnable" and has sent 17,000 troops in to Iraq for the war and that he is not going to remove them as he said. I think that what he said about this and the time in which he is going to remove them in is out of line and he has said that he will remove the troops in I think 2011 this may or may not be right. Obama needs to keep his word I think and remove them NOW and stop killing more and more troops. ???
So please give your feed back on this topic and stay on topic please.
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601082&sid=aUWFaWvXjzFU&refer=us (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601082&sid=aUWFaWvXjzFU&refer=us)
Uhhh, Trevor... Obama didn't issue anymore troops to Iraq, he issued them to Afghanistan; theirs a big difference between the two. He is trying to focus on the main front for terrorism and that is in Afghanistan. Obama, unlike the retarded president before (BUSH), Obama said "only a "comprehensive strategy" that also relies on diplomacy and development can halt the Taliban and the spread of extremism." Which means their is much more to this fight them over-powering a country with soldiers, war and death. I agree with Obama on this.
Why cant you love me for who I am :'( your so mean
Honestly if it was my decision I would keep the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan till their government has control over terrorism because its probably going to turn into Vietnam with the south (the Iraq government) and north Iraq which is the insurgents. And we don't want that =(
well i saw news dint obama say his taking trop's out of war in 2010??? right??
Quote from: chaoslancex on March 02, 2009, 03:11:44 PM
well i saw news dint obama say his taking trop's out of war in 2010??? right??
True, to an extent.
Obama has called for removing troops from Iraq in the period of 16 months from now, ending in the Fall of 2010. However, there will be 50,000 troops left for the purpose of supplying aid and training the Iraqi security/army.
Of course, things will happen, but at least the plan is able to slow down if needed.
Yes Chaos, that is correct. I also heard that the taliban threatened to do something far worse than 9-11 if we pulled our troops out. Taliban are terrorists. I have no clue if this is true (I doubt it is).
wiat will it be like in north korea or is it south korea that we will have trops staying there?
I believe South Korea since the North Korean leader is a psycho who hates America.
Guys Bush wasn't a complete retard... It was not his fault he got elected while our economy is down the drain, and what would you do if your Country got attacked by suicidal muslims who believe if they kill us they go to some place with 72 virgins (or w/e).
well that is not what the world thinks, world thinks he is a dumb person. just saying.
Quote from: bhs on March 08, 2009, 11:40:40 AM
Guys Bush wasn't a complete retard... It was not his fault he got elected while our economy is down the drain, and what would you do if your Country got attacked by suicidal muslims who believe if they kill us they go to some place with 72 virgins (or w/e).
*he deregulated companies and banks, allowing them to make toxic loans and spend way too much money (http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2008/03/its-deregulation-stupid)
*he passed the Medicare Act of 2003, making prescription drug companies the only way for senior citizens to obtain drugs (and enabling them to inflate prices for maximum profit) (http://www.nls.org/conf2004/summary-medicare-act-2003.htm)
Also, it's not all too justified if we resort to torture and extortion to get information when they resort to suicide bombing. Remember: Al Qaeda is not the same thing as the Taliban.