Just saw this http://gma.yahoo.com/video/news-26797925/colorado-college-student-shot-while-trespassing-29473431.html (http://gma.yahoo.com/video/news-26797925/colorado-college-student-shot-while-trespassing-29473431.htmlarticle) on Yahoo and
I was thinking what is yalls opinion on it?
Mine is she should have been shot and charges should be filed. If some random person comes into your multi-million dollar home what do you do? Sit there and let them come in your house.
I'm thinking the page wasn't found.
This is pretty shitty, although I see both sides. For the people in the home: Wouldn't you be freaked the f*ck out if a drunk college student wandered in your home late at night and wouldn't leave? But for the college student: shooting her is a bit too far. At least just call the cops or something, so she could be peacefully escorted out then face charges. And getting shot PLUS charges? That's a little much, considering it was a one time mistake from getting drunk.
So, should she be charged? Not in this situation. If they only called the cops and didn't shoot her, then I would say she should be charged, but not in this case.