Should we vote for these people to be here?
Option 1: Yes.
Option 2: No.
Hello this is the banners & logos hall of fame submitted by the public in my earlier topicall of the following have been submitted into the All~Go~Free Hall Of Fame.
%Freak M4n%
If you think you deserve a place in the Hall Of Fame please do not hesitate to PM me.
I apologize for the double post i just want keep the first post for News & Updates.
I like how the arrangement of the names look like a trophy. ::)
Why not letting people vote for the 5 best banner makers? putting everyone on the list doesn't make it special.
Now we should start voting between these people.
I vote voltimolt.
We already voted on this topic (http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php/topic,12938.0.html).
Quote from: Recoil on May 08, 2012, 05:06:03 PM
We already voted on this topic (http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php/topic,12938.0.html).
I think that was just to see who'd get on the list.
Quote from: Recoil on May 08, 2012, 05:06:03 PM
We already voted on this topic (http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php/topic,12938.0.html).
That isn't voting, that is just saying a name and he will put it on the list. (even randoms could be on the list)
These people are on the list because others voted for them in my earlier topic.
ill add a poll whether there should be a vote to vote for the hall of famers.
Instead of deleting them off the list just put them in order from 1 - 10. It's easier and that way people will still get a mention.
I Added a Poll could you all make a vote, thanks.
I voted yes, My reason is above ^
Quote from: Jake on May 10, 2012, 06:22:25 AM
I voted yes, My reason is above ^
Ok i completely understand if each of them get 2 votes they will not be removed stops people voting for themselves and getting a spot for free. the highest votes will be at the top and the lowest at the bottom and i will edit to make the the highest look more sufficient.