1 - We're pro at upside downing! (http://comicadze.com/thumbnails/large_Meanwhile_in_Australia_Funny_Picture_91964.jpg)
2 - Scuba diving in Australia is hard!(http://i.ytimg.com/vi/fEBM3nPMen8/0.jpg)
3 - Australia's got some scary insects that eat birds (http://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/bird-eating-spiders-australias-giant-golden-orb-weaver.jpeg)
4 - We play football, wearing no padding. Cuz we're that hardcore (http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2009/05/09/aaDJackson.jpg)
5- Australian's are hot! (http://oursurprisingworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/australia_bondi_beach_1010_girls_01.jpg)
6 - We're proud to be Aussie!!!! (http://www.infocentralseo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/seo-australia1.jpg)
7 - AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE! OI OI OI! (http://rlv.zcache.com/aussie_aussie_aussie_oi_oi_oi_oy_oy_ozzie_t_shirt-p235892426982166328zv7os_400.jpg)
Bloody hell mate!
That's a bloody good explanation of the wide arsenal of Australia.
I would like to one day live in Australia.
Thank you for posting this Mia.
Brian Crowell
Australia Rep. <3
I hate insects :-\
Things you need to know about U.S.:
1. That's what she said.
2. Despite contrary belief, we have other places to eat besides McDonalds
3. Little of us are overweight... Ignore what you've heard.
Quote from: Recoil on March 20, 2012, 12:03:37 PM
Things you need to know about U.S.:
1. That's what she said.
2. Despite contrary belief, we have other places to eat besides McDonalds
3. Little of us are overweight... Ignore what you've heard.
Australia is themost obese country in the world. Did ya know that?
Yes but unfortunately Americans are still dogged with the stereotype of being fat. Australians have.. Other stereotypes.
Egyptians are messy.
If we're going into stereotypes, excuse me while I make my 8th cup of tea...
These are to clear a few things up even furthers;
No, we don't ride kangaroos.
We we're thongs, eat vegemite and aren't bitches.
Quote from: Skyro on March 20, 2012, 04:53:12 PM
These are to clear a few things up even furthers;
No, we don't ride kangaroos.
We we're thongs, eat vegemite and aren't bitches.
Quote from: Skyro on March 20, 2012, 04:53:12 PM
These are to clear a few things up even furthers;
No, we don't ride kangaroos.
We we're thongs, eat vegemite and aren't bitches.
I ride my Kangaroo ? What are you talking about. His name is Schubert.
my pony
Hahahahahaha "Schubert"
It's pathetic to see all the uneducated, dipping Rednecks that go to McDonalds everyday at my school... They're the reason for our stereotype
Quote from: Recoil on March 21, 2012, 09:05:09 AM
Hahahahahaha "Schubert"
It's pathetic to see all the uneducated, dipping Rednecks that go to McDonalds everyday at my school... They're the reason for our stereotype
Swedens stereotype is like, hot blondes with big tits^^
Man I love our stereotype:D
I do indeed!
People from North Dakota say "Don'tcha know" way too much.
Down right proud to be Australian :)
P.S You forgot to mention that we have Kangaroo's for pets ;)
Quote from: Recoil on March 21, 2012, 09:05:09 AM
Hahahahahaha "Schubert"
It's pathetic to see all the uneducated, dipping Rednecks that go to McDonalds everyday at my school... They're the reason for our stereotype
1. I dropped out of school = uneducated?
2. I have a dip in my mouth right now.
3. I live in Alabama = redneck?
4. I happen to to love McDonalds.
Am I the reason for this stereotype?!?!?!?!? :(
Australia has the worst law, worst economy, and I think a new party should take over the parliament. ASAP.
To be honest, If I had control over Australia, Australia would be population 100million. Houses everywhere (Even in the desert) not just the coast.
Quote from: garrdrenn1 on March 22, 2012, 03:40:52 AM
Quote from: Recoil on March 21, 2012, 09:05:09 AM
Hahahahahaha "Schubert"
It's pathetic to see all the uneducated, dipping Rednecks that go to McDonalds everyday at my school... They're the reason for our stereotype
1. I dropped out of school = uneducated?
2. I have a dip in my mouth right now.
3. I live in Alabama = redneck?
4. I happen to to love McDonalds.
Am I the reason for this stereotype?!?!?!?!? :(
Who doesn't love McDonalds?
You can't choose where you live
As for the first two, you're every but uneducated. We both know that I know you're not.
And for dipping, I have no sympathy. People make their choices in life and whether or not they're willing to admit it tobacco is a choice that is unhealthy.