I get emails all the time about the SOPA and PIPA that is going on. I recently got an email stating this:
Happy Holidays -- we have some great news to share.
We've just won two huge battles in the fight against Internet censorship -- everything you are doing is working! First off, the House of Representatives failed to move SOPA out of committee! Why? Because their offices got swamped with phone calls and overwhelmed by the snowballing opposition. Thank you for helping make that happen.
Second, in response to the boycott of GoDaddy, the web hosting company just made a public announcement that it's dropping its support of SOPA. Amazing what you have made happen.
Yet, we can't let GoDaddy off the hook just yet. GoDaddy supports the Senate version of SOPA, called the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). The boycott has to continue -- Please click here to pledge to join it.
Please join us in holding GoDaddy accountable, until they drop any and all efforts to support not just SOPA, but also its Senate cousin, PIPA. The boycott already worked to get GoDaddy to change their position on SOPA, now we urgently need to hear from GoDaddy about PIPA too.
So what's next?
The PIPA bill is still alive and strong in the Senate, and could be voted on in January. Like SOPA, it threatens free speech, innovation, and the basic structure of the Internet.
Keep transferring your domains from GoDaddy until they fully come out against PIPA and SOPA. They need to send a letter to Congress making their opposition to both bills clear -- Click here to join the cause.
Thank you for all that you do -- it is working!
Tiffiniy & Phil
Fight for the Future
GoDaddy is Agreeing with everyhing SOPA and PIPA goes with. I have domain names with GoDaddy, I will no longer be a customer of theirs. I think you should do the same, if you hold Domain names with them.
At least we're making some progress.