Merry Christmas!
from WorldScape & AllGoFree
We are extremely happy to announce the launch of the Christmas Event! 8) It took us quiet some time to make and test, and we have been working extremely hard on it for the past few days and are finally ready to release it on Christmas Eve. :) So we hope that you have fun and enjoy it, and that you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And even if you don't celebrate Christmas, we hope you have a Happy Holiday. :) Enjoy the event!
-( & (
Note: If you happen to lose the note you may re-gain it from the same spot as before. If you don't see it, just log out and back in. It should still be there.
Merry Christmas! 8)
Aw yeah. Thanks you guys :)
It was nice, I had to do some thinking at the start but it was fine after that. Good job Ryan & Kevin. :)
Quote from: Yoho on December 25, 2011, 04:54:16 AM
It was nice, I had to do some thinking at the start but it was fine after that. Good job Ryan & Kevin. :)
I personally loved this event, it was a lot a fun getting it all done, I love putting our imaginations together to make stuff like this! :D
I was getting ready to fight the ice warriors, I was surprised as to what happened next. :D
I love the reward too. :D
Merry Christmas everyone!
Great job, as always = D!
Great work on this one guys! :)