What's up WorldScape?
I heard ██████ is back in town in USA, just in time to sing their new single, ██████. They're hopefully going sing it in ██/██/████. At the ██████ Stadium. I Also heard ██████ leaked some Information about ██████ and ████████, who could forget about the ████████?
████████, the video sharing website, have updated their video layout, videos will features such unleaked songs such as ████████, ██████████, and ██████████.
This will happen if SOPA bill pass. Help Prevent the bill from passing here: http://americancensorship.org/ (http://americancensorship.org/)
Major companies will shut down for only the slightest bit of copyright infringement, and since most of the world's major companies website originate and hosted in America. Bad for us Australians too you know?
Smart ass topic hell yea. I really pray and hope it wont pass xD
So many people will rant if/when/somehow it passes. This is what happens when get the same people in office for the past 20+ years, that only care for their own personal gain and have no regards to their beraucratic reponsibilities.
If it passes they're be another occupy wall street thing again! :)
Reposted on another forum. :)
I reposted it on a really popular forum also, got like 20 replies on random section and the owner replied also (: