This is the first time I've ever used Photoshop.
It's not that good of a banner but it'll do. I'll be testing other things later tonight.
Sweet and Simple
Ah I like it. Make more :3
I honestly thought it was quite bad. 8)
Just trying it out.
Psh, better than I could do.
It's good for your first time Rory :)
Read some Text effects tutorials they help, also learn about abstract tutorial, they teach you skills that you don't only need in abstract but other image effects, and also learn about the blend mode.
Niceeeee work..Specially the lens flare effect.
I tried another one 8)
That's excellent rory keep learning the things I told you, they're basic for first timers.
Oh wow Rory :o! they are absolutely stunning! Artwork must run in your blood :D!!!!!!
Never seen a first banner like this :o
Woah that second one is awesome. :o
Quote from: Australiaman on November 26, 2011, 06:44:59 AM
I tried another one 8)
How do you do all those blue line flame things?
i like them both keep them coming.
Quote from: Twlight Lord on November 26, 2011, 06:54:32 PM
How do you do all those blue line flame things?
I'm just good ;)
Quote from: Dug on November 26, 2011, 08:11:54 AM
Oh wow Rory :o! they are absolutely stunning! Artwork must run in your blood :D!!!!!!
100% Agreed!
I was bored at 3am so i made this.