Today I am extremely pleased to announce that a beta version of the HD client is now included in the 508 client download! 8) The HD version includes much more detailed graphics as well as a resizable game frame, so you can fill the game up to almost the size of your screen! ;D All you have to do is re-download the ZIP file for the 508 client, and it now includes both the LD and HD versions of the client. Please enjoy this more awesome looking version of WorldScape. ;)
Download the client (http://dexsigns.com/allgofree/client/508/worldscape_508_beta.zip)
Nice! I downloaded the client. The map and music both work fine. ;D
That was quick :)
Well done ;)
:( Now I don't get penny's for every pixel. :'(
(Joking ofcourse, :P Good job Ryan)
This updates are the best ones ever!
Amazing Ryan, Very Detailed. LOVE IT(:
Finally i can see Blitz getting to higher level! :D
Player amounts are going to moonrocket... ;D
Quote from: M I K E on November 12, 2011, 10:06:14 AM
Finally i can see Blitz getting to higher level! :D
Player amounts are going to moonrocket... ;D
i think this are some good steps to a very good server. ;)
i love this sever
This is swagged out, nice work Ryan!
There's just no stopping you, you sexy beast Ryan!
This is extremely tempting :s.
great job ryan, you are the best.
I have a problem with the 508 HD client, it stucks at Connecting to update server
Rasta, This is not the place to post that. Make a topic on the tech support board and you'll get the response you need there.