yo, i'm selling a mage's book. only the best of the best offer could win. if your interested please post (reply) or even just go on the game and pm me (privet message). :o :o :o
i'm usually on, in lumbridge or the wildy but if you don't see me just pm me to come to you. 8)
if you still have it ill be willing to buy it?
(~6 6 6~)
2 spaces between sixes ^ my username
well correction mage book is not best and try not to use caps for your subject, they have told me is againts rules i done it and i got in trouble for it so yea, but about the book i would buy.
i hate when they get mad at u for something as dumb as that, it is annoying to see it but who cares? and hes right there is a better book than that but idk name ill check when the server update is done
il buy it for 10mil if not 15mil or jest tell me who has the max bid :) :)
dude 10 and 15mil isnt very much on this game srry, but noone has bid so far so u would win =)
ill bid 2bil cash :),
but chaos would probly top that with all his rares :o.
well, the games down and yes i'm back ;) but since the games down whats the players bids and guys don't use this topic for something else please... i'll sell somemore rares in game I don't know which ones though. Also chaos this topic started months ago so i didn't know i can't USE CAPITAL LETTERS lol. and chaos only has rares cuz hes a beta tester. and i never said mage book was the best. ~wrigley97~
post offers please.
hes right he just said that it was better than zammy, i might buy it because it looks cool, i offer when i come back