Hey player's of worldscape\allgofree i'm buying some chompies or RARES. if you would like to sell them i'm usually on the game but if you don't want to pm me it's cool just post. (reply)
:) ~Wrigley97~ :)
yes me agen...i have a couple of chomoys now id u wna buy any ;D ;D ;D
i will sell you a green h'ween mask add me on worldscape my username is ninjakid1003 :D :D :D
i am selling a ton of rares on the game, and i would like to buy one of those chompys ok cj? as many as you have for sale for as much as i am willing to offer
Look I'm willing to sell but no chompies thing :/ but other rare yes I could sell
i got 2 chompies,
and a mask set for sale
10 obby rings pm me in game my new user name is : 6 6 6,
two spaces between each 6. :)
ok i have a silver 1 feather chompy and blk 5 feather chompy, i have some other rares too but im not on my acc right now
hey add damokazamo in game i got lots of phats and xmas crackers if u want to buy :o
i have a white 5 feather, red 5 feather, blk 3 feather, yellow 5feather and other rares, u have an extremely rare item, boxing gloves, that i will sell too