Well guy's with in the month i have too ship back down to paris island with the marines, I'll be gone a couple months. But as soon as i get back i'll play again, Just letting everyone know.
I'll miss ya mikey, worldscape became 99% funnier when you arrived.
We are always in your heart, mike. :'(
Bye bro come back safe.
Thank's guy's, I'll be down there just doing pt and stuff, So no worries.
Good luck there! ;D
Quote from: M I K E on November 03, 2011, 04:19:01 PM
Good luck there! ;D
If you wanna be one, Go for it honestly, It's tough but i think you'd pull through. I'm in there currently as infantry, Studying engineering
I'm going to miss you have a good time and have fun, don't get hurt. :'(
cya thanks for a nice time in the game and help to get fun which the new pking