here are some of the great, cool places i've found through out playing worldscape, and other servers.
1899 5355
2654 3376
3435 3144
3040 4840
2364 4963
2722 4904
3422 9884
3364 9640
3091 3484
2588 3911
1929 5003
2589 9421
2378 4713
2360 4967
2516 3865
3008 3950
2907 9911
2445 4596
2584 4516
3166 9628
2984 9481
2483 3046
i thought you guy's could use them and not me.
i've tested them and they work ;D but there is nothing to do in the places you teleport to as they are safe and theres nothing there :( but they are nice to see by the way serguy3 well done finding them :)
ps how did you find them all?
meh....... i'm co-owner of a server so i go and explore alot ;D.... lol. i'll find some more for you lol.........