WorldScape Blitz

Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: Voltimolt on January 08, 2009, 02:58:13 AM

Title: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: Voltimolt on January 08, 2009, 02:58:13 AM
This thread was made to talk about WWE, If you don't like WWE just leave.
This Thread was also made to talk about what was happening. wat was the latest injury.

My turn:

Batista got kicked by randy orton and is now sent to the hospital.

JBL is the #1 contender for Heavyweight champion.

Tag team: John Cena & Shawn Michaels VS Chris jericho & Randy Orton
John Cena and shawn michaels won. Well, Shawn did. he did sweet chin music on orton and chris.

Williams VS CM punk for incondenvenial (<spelling) title. Williams was disqaulified for holding and pulling the ref while getting a finisher on him.
Williams VS CM punk will fight next monday (Wednesday).

.:Worst Pain Finishers:.
- STFU (John Cena) < Cannot escape this finisher, only tapping the floor 3 times.
- TombStone (The Undertaker ) < cannot fight no more also cannot move.
- Chokeslam ( Undertaker ) spine hurt
- Sweet Chin Music ( Shawn Michaels ) Throat pain
- 619 (Rey Mysterio)

.:Weird Wrestlers:.
- Umaga
- Edge
Title: Re: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: Voltimolt on January 08, 2009, 07:23:21 PM

Title: Re: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: Mia on January 19, 2009, 11:26:49 PM
I LOVE MARIA! John Cena Is my fave wwe superstar, i dont watch it anymore, rarely ever, I HATE the fact Bobby Lashley is gone, he'll be back soon,
MVP is stuckup, mr Kenedy ROX!, Hornswaggle rox lol, FINLAY ROX, Batista is cool, the great Kali is.. ugly, and and! my fave DIVA IS ASHLEY! :) then Maria then Mickey James then Kelly Kelly FTW
Title: Re: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: mca17 on January 20, 2009, 01:41:13 PM
finealy someone who likes jeef lol his finersher rocks !!!
Title: Re: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: Bill on January 20, 2009, 02:04:55 PM
Zack, how would a Sweet Chin Music hurt your throat lol. And Jeff is awesome he's one of my favorite. Randy Orton is freaking stupid for what he did to Vince last Monday.
Title: Re: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: mca17 on January 20, 2009, 02:09:38 PM
nice one bill do you think matt is any good or not? :)

P.S can anyone give me respect's if you do thanks ! ;)
Title: Re: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: God Colin on January 28, 2009, 11:39:35 AM
ok you guys and girls got you own opinions but..... rey mysterio is the best. chavo is a little b*tch for a long time ago lockking rey into the (censored) rods and smashing his knee. if you like chavo... well thats your opinion but ha try to get past the cheater.
Title: Re: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: I pooN I on January 28, 2009, 07:17:52 PM
God Colin, what I don't get is that you censored the part between "into the..." and "rods" but before that you cussed. If I read it right, it's the b-word.. try not to cuss on these forums please.
Title: Re: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: Bill on January 29, 2009, 12:16:59 AM
Quote from: mca17 on January 20, 2009, 02:09:38 PM
nice one bill do you think matt is any good or not? :)

P.S can anyone give me respect's if you do thanks ! ;)

I kind of like Matt, but Jeff is cooler. And don't ask people to give you respect, I think that's against the rules. And God Paul, if you are with God Colin and you're friends then you might know me from jscape lol :)
Title: Re: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
Post by: Mia on February 05, 2009, 01:32:03 AM
Jeff Hardy was Attacked By Matt :o!!!!!