After you got enough competitors, choose the top 4 or 5, and make a poll ;)
Yeah, I won't be judging, the worldscape players will judge on the winner :)
Can I give you some items to add to the reward? Just so more people will participate ;)
Sure go for it :)
And I apply.
It ends September 10, 2011?
Quote from: Kevin on September 26, 2011, 07:57:16 PM
It ends September 10, 2011?
In Australia we put our months and days the opposite way Americans do, Or who ever else does it that way. 8)
So it would be the 9th of October 2011.
9th of October 2011. ;)
Terror's right, I'm in Australia soo... that's how we put our dates together.
Since no one is posting I WIN. (:
I'm making an entry right now.
I'll be editing this post with it soon.
I wish everyone good luck with winning.
Edit: Here is my entry. I hope everyone likes it.
Wish me luck!
Brian Crowell
Alright please everyone vote. :)
umm... we still have 1 more week.
Anyone else is still eligible to compete this competition.
Andy,Why you don't enter the competition your self?
Well, it's my competition. If I enter and say if I win, what's the purpose?
Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to submit your entry.
The contest closes tomorrow at 11:59AM EST.
A new thread with a poll will be introduced with the participants' work.