Do you think I should've got suspended for filming a fight?
Option 1: Yes, you deserve it.
votes: 2
Option 2: No, that's dumb.
votes: 7
Well I got suspended from school for filming a year 7 fight at my school, I think it's stupid bccause I got suspended for one day and I don't think it was necessary. My mum and dad think it's a load of crap.
Please post and vote your thoughts.
There View: Shouldn't even watch them, should get a teacher right away and try to break it up.
Our View: It's a fight, I WANT TO SEE IT. It's going to be crazy.
Lol, I see where they're coming from but to us it's not fair.
When I was in school if you even watched a fight you would be suspended considering you are supposed to try to stop the fight from happening, then tell someone with authority(School Staff member)
XD when i was at school (primary school) I was filming a fight and ended up in it and pwning the noobs...
Quote from: shy guy on September 11, 2011, 11:57:46 PM
XD when i was at school (primary school) I was filming a fight and ended up in it and pwning the noobs...
Please don't troll me.
Quote from: Kevin on September 11, 2011, 11:43:12 PM
When I was in school if you even watched a fight you would be suspended considering you are supposed to try to stop the fight from happening, then tell someone with authority(School Staff member)
I guess, but I think I should of just got a Friday Detention. But oh well, a day off.
bad school, lol
School sucks, I remember when I got suspended for kissing my girlfriend...
Quote from: plan b on September 12, 2011, 01:27:31 AM
School sucks, I remember when I got suspended for kissing my girlfriend...
That's just dumb, why would they suspend you for such a thing. Maybe the person who suspended you had interests in guys, no Gals. You should of hooked up right in front of your teacher.
I think it's stupid that you only got one day. If you're going to get suspended atleast make it worth while.
Quote from: Terror on September 12, 2011, 01:42:27 AM
I think it's stupid that you only got one day. If you're going to get suspended at least make it worth while.
I know, If they are going to suspend me at least a week or something.
Quote from: Summoning on September 12, 2011, 01:41:52 AM
Quote from: plan b on September 12, 2011, 01:27:31 AM
School sucks, I remember when I got suspended for kissing my girlfriend...
That's just dumb, why would they suspend you for such a thing. Maybe the person who suspended you had interests in guys, no Gals. You should of hooked up right in front of your teacher.
Hahahahaha! That would have been so funny.
I have never been suspended from the school..Me = suspended from school = disaster.
Anyways I hope you don't do such things again and be polite. :)
Thanks, for that. My mum usually would of been furious but because it was for something so small and stupid she didn't mind.
1 Day is nothing just saying...
Ive been off from school many times, even a week because i didnt want to go, i was tired and "sick" also ::)
I think that wasn't cool to suspend you for a day just for filming a fight.
I used to film fights all of the time at school.
Anyways, I say keep filming, troll the teachers.
Brian Crowell
Quote from: M I K E on September 12, 2011, 08:04:06 AM
1 Day is nothing just saying...
Ive been off from school many times, even a week because i didn't want to go, i was tired and "sick" also ::)
Ooh your Ruthless. 8) .
I don't care I got suspended I just think it was uncalled for. I've been suspended 6 Times in Primary, Primary was a few years back now.
Quote from: brianc on September 12, 2011, 08:05:56 AM
I think that wasn't cool to suspend you for a day just for filming a fight.
I used to film fights all of the time at school.
Anyways, I say keep filming, troll the teachers.
Brian Crowell
Lmfao, Troll the teachers. ::) But I don't think it was called for either, thanks for all the support.
Quote from: Mute on September 12, 2011, 01:18:44 PM
You miss out 5 hours of school time for filming some shit, not exactly a case of OMG I IZ GONNA LOOZE MAH GRADEZORZ.
I know, I just thought it was uncalled for. Like getting suspended for filming a fight.
Quote from: Mute on September 12, 2011, 01:18:44 PM
Also, being suspended that many times is not cool, it just makes you look like an idiot who enjoys breaking rules. :L
It's not that, it's just that the teachers were always like looking out for me / picking on me. I got in trouble so much easier then everyone else, then it just got to a point where I got suspended.
i got exspelled from my old scholl because i puched some idiot and shaddered his jaw and i never did it agian because my parents abused the shit out of me
Quote from: k a t e rox on September 21, 2011, 06:58:28 AM
i got exspelled from my old scholl because i puched some idiot and shaddered his jaw and i never did it agian because my parents abused the shit out of me
Can anyone else smell bull shizit?
You don't get expelled from school from one infringement either.
Quote from: k a t e rox on September 21, 2011, 06:58:28 AM
i got exspelled from my old scholl because i puched some idiot and shaddered his jaw and i never did it agian because my parents abused the shit out of me
I was reading this whilst shooting Elf's on my unicorn.
2 Trolls on one post, how many are on this forum?
k a t e rox & Monkey k0
But thanks all, I think this can get locked now.