guys, ur server is amazing. i am a macintosh user, and this is the only server i can play on rly bc of no1 releases hwo to make clients for mac.
i need some1 to make a run.jar file for me. to run the client that i have made for my friends server. please help ry, as you posted on my moparscape forums question, and showed me pics, and i even dled you .jar file for your client and it worked. i need ur help please.! ur my only hope
I dont think macs can run .jar files, they might need it as a .bat..ask ryan he might be able to get you one ;)
Well, the only way to run clients on mac is jar files......... that the way u run it. i know. and i need ryan to help me. RYAN, please help me make a jar file for my friends client
Yeah, I need some help on how to get .jar file for mine, Triniboy, do some research before you post...
Yea! it would be great to have a mac client that i could download... i cant use your webclient or dl your normal client.. I prefer this server to all others.. but im forced to use mopar.. and my keyboard doesn't work too well with it. Maybe if it doesn't take to much of your time, you could just make something for macs? i will be willing to test/help in any way possible... :P