Well, a close friend just lost his father to an unknown cause, he died in his sleep somehow around 6 days ago.
My friend whom i saw today, has been sitting on the couch for a few days, and he won't talk to anyone but his mother saying "yes" or "no" at rare times.
We tried to cheer him up, but he won't even look at us, and I've got no idea on what to say to help him overcome this, and i would appreciate if anyone can offer some suggestions that are appropriate, and direct, thank you.
That's awful :(
The only thing I could suggest is you sit with him and explain that these things happen and you can't let it stop you from living your life. Even if you sit with him for a while he will get comfortable around you and eventually open up.
Tell him I hope everything is alright from Jake (His new friend)
Well, I suggest instead of seeing him saying "yes" or "no" at random times on the couch, get him to do something active such
as basketball, soccer, or any sport.
Maybe you could take him out to do something fun, to get his mind of the loss of his father.
Doing something will always take peoples' minds of things they don't want to think of.
I agree with Dennis, the best way to help him would be to get his mind off of his father's death.
Thank you guys, we'll try.
Quote from: Mute on August 22, 2011, 05:10:50 AM
Sit there with him, try talk to him and get a better response with him.
Don't force it upon him, just take your time and let him come on his own.
I know, i know..
Tell him his father would want him to not sorrow any more but to live his life and become what his father wanted him to become!