Hello fellow Worldscaper's this topic is in reference too the absence i have taken, this is however temporary, and the cause of this is because considering school is starting in less than a month (I know it SUCKS) I have been extremely busy with football, work, and maintaining my priorities amongst my family, as soon as my schedule clears a bit which i assure you will be soon, i will be back too no lifing xD. Thank You too everyone who understands, Hope too see everyone ingame soon! :) -Avery
Ooh, That's why. :P
Haven't seen you in a while... Anyways take your time.
Ah, that clears it up. :)
Come back whenever you feel. :D
I thought you left us ::)
Hope to see you around soon.
Come back and I'm already in school
Hey, hope to see you back soon :D
See you when you get the time to get online :D!
Welcome back