I'm venting something about You ! All you wanna be mods, or you stuck up mods. There's one cool mod now: Dug.
Your mad because you guys are losing shit and people and worldscape is going to hell. I honestly don't care if you
all hate me, but i'm venting . Like with Programs warning .. "Trolling" is not in the rules ! Your suppose to be leaders
so I'd start following rules and ACTUALLY in forse REAL rules.. Kthanks?
Now to you wanna be mods, you know who are you. Most of you have been around this server for 3 months max?
And you think you know it all, no stfu and sit down, Go back in your noob spot and sit there till you've be around here
for 3-4 years like me and the others ! Kthanks?
I'm done this Rant .. Thanks !
If you don't like this game, get out. We're better off without you. The staff are here for a reason, to help the game.
If you're a staff member, you have the decision whether to take action or not. The staff DO NOT have to warn you if they don't want to.
If they think they you already know you're doing something wrong, they're obviously not going to give you a warning.
I agree, Program should've gotten atleast 10 points or maybe even 20, but definitely not 30, but that doesn't mean
you go criticizing WorldScape and how much it fails and how it should go to hell. The person who did that to Program was maybe harsh, but fair.
A mod or admin has complete control of whether he/she wants to give a warning or not before taking action.
^^ See, lil' wanna be mod ..
I didn't say for it to go to hell , so cool your jets there little boy.
Your the one who needs to cool your jets, he simply explained it all the warning is what it is.
Quote from: dieknowsawr on August 09, 2011, 08:17:27 PM
^^ See, lil' wanna be mod ..
I didn't say for it to go to hell , so cool your jets there little boy.
Calling people a wanna-be mod just doesn't help the situation. I was already a player mod so i think i know what its to be one.
I was once in the same position and i know what i had to do when i had to do it. You're the one who should cool your jets, you said that WorldScape has gone to hell.
Quote from: dieknowsawr on August 09, 2011, 07:36:10 PM
Your mad because you guys are losing shit and people and **worldscape is going to hell**
Did I tell it to go to hell? No .. I did not !
Quote from: dieknowsawr on August 09, 2011, 07:36:10 PM
Go back in your noob spot and sit there till you've be around here
Ross rofl dude shall people who care about this game and trying to save it call them noobs? Pfft how many years you spent playing here? 1-2?
I spent here 4 years and ya if you don't believe me,Ask Mazen.
And can you mention any examples about modwannabe?
Quote from: Program on August 09, 2011, 10:19:44 PM
Quote from: Joker_ on August 09, 2011, 10:05:59 PM
And can you mention any examples about modwannabe?
I could name a couple...
Name dude we are discussing our daily problems after all we are not the people who decide who want to be mod..
And I don't like the people to take those words towards these feelings.
People sucking up to Mods . You , Sucking up MAJORLY to Jeremy always bragging you've been here for 4 years..
I've been here for 3 kthanks.
I did? I think this turned to a flame war plus I hated jeremy for banning nice people like steve and matt.
And umadbro?
No, No thank-you. So so , you're trolling around the forums saying you have perfect grammar.. Yeah no there champion .
This is turning into flaming rather than a discussion. :'(
Quote from: dieknowsawr on August 10, 2011, 12:18:11 AM
No, No thank-you. So so , you're trolling around the forums saying you have perfect grammar.. Yeah no there champion .
And yes this is going to be a flame war..
Quote from: Joker_ on August 10, 2011, 12:48:12 AM
Quote from: dieknowsawr on August 10, 2011, 12:18:11 AM
No, No thank-you. So so , you're trolling around the forums saying you have perfect grammar.. Yeah no there champion .
And yes this is going to be a flame war..
If it's going to be a flame war, I think it's better if someone locks this before it gets out of hand. :-\
Quote from: Volkerem on August 10, 2011, 12:55:47 AM
Quote from: Joker_ on August 10, 2011, 12:48:12 AM
Quote from: dieknowsawr on August 10, 2011, 12:18:11 AM
No, No thank-you. So so , you're trolling around the forums saying you have perfect grammar.. Yeah no there champion .
And yes this is going to be a flame war..
If it's going to be a flame war, I think it's better if someone locks this before it gets out of hand. :-\
I hope an admin turns to this and gets this locked. =\
Lol, This makes me laugh.
You've been here for 3-4 years and your more immature then the people who have been here for "3 Months Max?".
You need to chill and not loose your temper.
This whole topic is ridicules. I was the one who Warned Program, and because of that WorldScape is going to hell? Just because things are not being ran the same way doesn't mean anything. It doesn't matter how long you have been with WorldScape, I've seen players who have been here for a month and are a lot smarter then some of the players who have been here for years. Honestly, majority of the players(Not all of them) who have been here for years act as if they are King almighty and rule everything, they are complete douche bags to other players in-game because they think they deserve more then that. Whenever someone else is made staff besides them they complain and be even bigger douche bags, whenever their friends get in trouble they go on to make topics about how the servers is falling apart.
Let me clear some things up. I warned Aaron 30% for 1 reason, he was trolling a new Player Moderator on his new topic, he has gotten away with a lot of stuff, and yes it was too harsh but at the time I didn't care and it is something he can wait out. He didn't receive a ban or a mute, it was a WARNING! All he has is a little "Watched" title on his account, that will go away in a-couple days. If he can't respect a staff member what makes you think he can respect a regular member. If he wants to remain part of this community he along with everyone else who reads this, needs to respect each-other.
But Kevin! Trolling is not against the rules! Maahhh!
No, it isn't. But is it against the law to jump off a bridge? No, because it's common sense. You should know "Hey I shouldn't troll at members, because it's rude, disrespectful, and it makes the community look bad."
We shouldn't have to write everything out. Even if we did over half of you don't read the rules. That's why we still are banning players for Auto clicking, and training on themselves in funpk.
I assure you WorldScape is not going anywhere. WorldScape has been around for longer then 90% of the other private servers. WorldScape was first turned on ~January/February 2007.
If players want to be wannabe mods let them. If they want to try to benefit the community by telling players what they can and cannot do let them. It doesn't effect the staff in any way, if anything it helps us, and we welcome it.
Now, I am locking this topic because it has just turned into a small flame war.