WorldScape Blitz

Your Thoughts => Rants => Topic started by: wouter on August 06, 2011, 03:03:34 PM

Title: Racism towards languages.
Post by: wouter on August 06, 2011, 03:03:34 PM
Ya'll listen up. Lately the dutch clan called ''Dutch warz'' got Locked because of the Dutch language.
Let me fresh up ya mind, these kids might not even speak 1 word English. Look at your self when English is your first language.
Now try to learn a foreign language like Dutch. I bet yah ain't posting in Dutch if I would make a Forum and tell it's Dutch. Ya won't ha?

Pathetic.. Ranting about this Tony. That also means for anyone who complained about it to Kevin. Weak. That's all i'm saying.
Title: Re: Racism towards languages.
Post by: Kevin on August 06, 2011, 05:11:01 PM
They do speak English in a second language. The clan Dutch Warz was never shut down, I asked them to post 2 copies of the clan 1 in Dutch and 1 in English. A lot of the English players don't like it because we can't understand what they are saying unless we use a translator. The clan is still open and was never closed down to begin with.