Ya'll listen up. Lately the dutch clan called ''Dutch warz'' got Locked because of the Dutch language.
Let me fresh up ya mind, these kids might not even speak 1 word English. Look at your self when English is your first language.
Now try to learn a foreign language like Dutch. I bet yah ain't posting in Dutch if I would make a Forum and tell it's Dutch. Ya won't ha?
Pathetic.. Ranting about this Tony. That also means for anyone who complained about it to Kevin. Weak. That's all i'm saying.
They do speak English in a second language. The clan Dutch Warz was never shut down, I asked them to post 2 copies of the clan 1 in Dutch and 1 in English. A lot of the English players don't like it because we can't understand what they are saying unless we use a translator. The clan is still open and was never closed down to begin with.