Ok, so some people believe that in 4 years, on December 21, 2012, the world is going to end... I kind of believe this, but kind of don't. I tried posting this on December 21st but I ended up posting it on December 22nd (I was 26 seconds too late and I ended up posting it at 12:00:26 am on the 22nd lol 8), 12:00:26 am my time at least) I've heard that on this day people will come back from the dead, or an asteroid or meteoroid is going to hit earth and totally destroy it. Here is a video simulation of what people believe will happen on that day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elKG4yJi_aU I'll tell ya, it scares the hell outta me.....
EDIT: Here is the same video but shorter and better I guess http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOkC0xh-cUg
Quote from: Bill on December 22, 2008, 12:00:26 AM
Ok, so some people believe that in 4 years, on December 21, 2012, the world is going to end... I kind of believe this, but kind of don't. I tried posting this on December 21st but I ended up posting it on December 22nd (I was 26 seconds too late and I ended up posting it at 12:00:26 am on the 22nd lol 8), 12:00:26 am my time at least) I've heard that on this day people will come back from the dead, or an asteroid or meteoroid is going to hit earth and totally destroy it. Here is a video simulation of what people believe will happen on that day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elKG4yJi_aU I'll tell ya, it scares the hell outta me.....
Yeah bill.it scares me too :-\..but no one can predict our future like that..i remember in 1999, that in the year 2000 :o, the world would shut down..i think it was called "White 2K" something like that....But did the world shut down..no..nothing happen, most of the things they say could happen, its not imposable....but then that means when i start collage..i die just like 4 months after :'(......
P.S anything can happen from now until 2012...and a lot can happen...
ya i heard that the world would be distroyed by fire
Walmarts will slowly invade every small town and community thus controlling 80% of the economy and will get to powerful so a group of rebels will realize the only way to stop it, is to destroy the world..
Quote from: Zack on December 22, 2008, 05:55:27 PM
Walmarts will slowly invade every small town and community thus controlling 80% of the economy and will get to powerful so a group of rebels will realize the only way to stop it, is to destroy the world..
What...? I don't think a group of people will, or even can, destroy the world because of something like Wal-Mart...
Eh, I don't think it'll end, the mayan calendar may "end" at 2012, but it might just mean that things might start over. Not like start over as in dinosaurs and cavemen. All I heard about this is that the poles are going to switch and there's a full revolution, or something, with our solar system to our galaxy's center. The poles reversing is nothing new, it's been happening for millions of years. And no, you're not 26 seconds late, you're 27 seconds late :P
"White 2K" ----- Y2K (Year 2000)
oo thanks zammypro..i was not to sure on the name of it...
and what your talking about it the earth magnetic field. i learned this in flight class.. Every few hundred years, the direction of the earth magnetic field would change...Right now..we are a few years over due for a change...like i think 800 years ...not sure how much, But the change in the earth magnetic field, such as...
If you can a magnetic compass...True north would show up as south, and true south will show up north on the compass...
I swear it was millions of years, but then again, I might be wrong, our textbooks are a few years old and we can't get new ones because of the school in debt. >.>
zammypro check out this video..i think it might be what your taking about. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x632qo_pole-shift-2008-the-ultimate-disast_news
Quote from: zammypro on December 22, 2008, 09:15:08 PM
And no, you're not 26 seconds late, you're 27 seconds late :P
Ha, you're right. ;D
First let me just pick up some things at Walmart..i mean..these prices are unbelieveable.
You can't beat those low prices man..
unless the end of the world comes..yes we can beat those low prices =] cause there won't be no walmart =[
I doubt it will happen.. But lets just wait and see ;D
lolz...we went from end of world to walmart...i wonder if there a cause and effect? the cause of walmart is the effect of end of the world?
Walmart has nothing to do with it so I don't even know why we are talking about it.
ya we are getting a little of topic lol
yea bill im not watching those........
Quote from: 0ownage0 on December 23, 2008, 04:38:49 PM
ya we are getting a little of topic lol
Quite ironic, eh?
wow that is scary hmm do you think there would be a way to scape it or where all going to die a painfull death :'(
if it dose happen im going to misse worldscape :'(
well..you can die fast and painless or is it slow and painful :o...your choise i guess...
I want to know when the WORLD REALLY ENDS! i want to be able to have a family and grow old before armageddon.... :((((
which armageddon?
WWE Armageddon?
I love you now because you watch WWE.
I have a picture of shawn michaels in my mobile and i made a mobile theme with wwe stuff in it.
Wwe R0x :) go Maria! ;D
Thats my fav Diva, and Kelly Kelly.
you guys could be a great tag team partner. lol.
Quote from: Bill on December 22, 2008, 12:00:26 AM
Ok, so some people believe that in 4 years, on December 21, 2012, the world is going to end... I kind of believe this, but kind of don't. I tried posting this on December 21st but I ended up posting it on December 22nd (I was 26 seconds too late and I ended up posting it at 12:00:26 am on the 22nd lol 8), 12:00:26 am my time at least) I've heard that on this day people will come back from the dead, or an asteroid or meteoroid is going to hit earth and totally destroy it. Here is a video simulation of what people believe will happen on that day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elKG4yJi_aU I'll tell ya, it scares the hell outta me.....
EDIT: Here is the same video but shorter and better I guess http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOkC0xh-cUg
I also beleve this is true to because the Roman calendar had predicted a lot of things that have happened so i really think this might happen
well yeah..lots of empire's like Ancient Rome/greece/Israel....all those places says what might happen..but none of them said in what year....most of them only list the events that leads up to it. :-\
Quote from: Triniboy64 on January 13, 2009, 06:45:59 PM
well yeah..lots of empire's like Ancient Rome/greece/Israel....all those places says what might happen..but none of them said in what year....most of them only list the events that leads up to it. :-\
that's true