Well, Kevin has let the community know that there is a possibility that Quests may be added to Worldscape. Wonderful idea, In my opinion.
So this board is for suggesting quests that should be added. This quests are going to be custom quests, I believe, so don't go copying ones off Runescape or where ever.
When posting please remember to put full detail and make sure you add a Story Line, Rewards, Location, the name of the Quest and the Requirements.
Name: Fletchings Dungeon.
Location: Edgeville, Seers, Falladore and a Dungeon (Will get Coords for that if needed).
Requirements: 80+ Woodcutting, 80+ Firemaking, A tinderbox, a hatchet, and minimum of 100 Range.
Story line: There is a man in Edgeville that you need to talk to in order to start this quest, His name is Albert. Once you've found Albert you talk to him and he explains that he has to give a parcel to his old friend Harold, You can find Harold in Falladore. Once you've found Harold you give him the parcel, He opens it, and he starts talking to you. He explains that what he has just received is a key to the art of Fletching, You ask what does it do and he explains that it's a long lost artifact and it is the reason why the players of Worldscape hasn't been able to Fletch all these years, If it's returned to it's right area then the players of Worldscape are free to Fletch again. You ask if you can be of assistance to getting the key back to wear it's supposed to be, He says only if you're willing to do what no one else has thought of doing before. You have a choice Yes or No, Assuming you say yes,He tell you that you need to get ready before you go face the dragon of fletching. He tells you to go get 5 Normal Logs from Seers. You tele to seers then tele back to Harold, He gives you a knife and a string and says use the knife on the logs and it will make you a bow (U). You do so. Then he says "Now, Use the string on the bow (u) and it will make you a fully functional bow". Once again, You do so. He then asks you if you're ready to face the demon who has kept Worldscape "Fletchless" all these years? You have an option Yes/No, Assuming you've said yes again, He gives you 1000 arrows, The key and a 25 pumpkins. He then teleports you to a Dungeon where you see a King Black Dragon (KBD), Straight away the dragon starts attacking you and you need to kill it with the bow and arrows Harold has given you. If the KBD has defeated you then you need to restart from Harold and he will have your bow and arrow's ready, But if you do kill the KBD then you can go forward into a room where you use the key on a chest and you get presented with a ticket. You then get teleported back to Harold and he applauds you for your efforts in getting Fletching back into Worldscape and says if you show that ticket to Albert he will present you with a prize. You get teleported to Albert, You show him the ticket and he gives you a reward. The rewards are under this.
Quest completed!
Rewards: The ability to Fletch, A knife, 500k in coins,1 Xp lamp and you're now able to verse the KBD outside of the wilderness. The Xp lamp would have a high amount of XP in it and would be Un-tradable, This event would be the only way to obtain such lamp.
I know this is a bit of a long shot but if Fletching where to be introduced into Worldscape, I think, that this would be a magnificent way to bring it in.
Note: You suggestion don't have to be about introducing a new Skill/Item into the game, They can be about anything. The main reason i made mine on a new skill is because a new skill, Like fletching, Should be, In my opinion, in the process of being released anyway. Plus i took the liberty of getting other peoples suggestions on changing the area of KBD, Hopefully.
I hope you guys liked my suggestion and I hope this topic get flooded with ideas!
I like your quest idea. Just have to make sure you can't ::bank during the fight with the dragon. Better yet, if there is any strong npcs that we have could replace that with the dragon. Just ideas. :P
Thanks buddy. Yeah, If Ryan could make it so you can't bank during the quest that would be best.
This is a great idea Jake, and i agree on not being able to bank when you are in the main fight, just a suggestion, it would be cool if Ry and other staff members made other quests like this in order to gain new skills and armour etc.
You could do quests on anything from ridding a town from a plague of zombies or killing a dragon/other beasts after it has taken a towns mayor or princess.
as i have said on another post, it might be possible for the player to obtain a clue scroll from completing a quest as a sort of side quest, as it might give the staff more time in order to make quests and also, clue scrolls can also be fun :D, the prize from a clue scroll could be older armour, weapons, lamps or even new gear as well.
Just a suggestion but Jake, i think your idea is great :D
I hate quests because they are taking to long.
Nice suggestion,But it will never happen. =)
Quote from: Joker_ on July 26, 2011, 07:08:45 AM
Nice suggestion,But it will never happen. =)
Nah, It'll happen.
http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php/topic,10821.15.html - Read the replies from Kevin :)
X Wild X, What do you mean? They're taking to long to come out, Or they take to long to complete? Whichever way there's a solution. If they're taking to long to come out then you won't be waiting to much longer, This is exactly what this topic is helping. If you meant that they take to long to complete then don't do them. There's no rule that says you need to complete them.
Just think there could be another Skill Cape ready to be obtained.
Many servers dont have quests tho...
Maybe some of them could be released when we get better items to wear..
I have done 100's of quests on runescape so im totally bored to them..
Mike, These are custom quests with different items and rewards. They are not like Runescapes quests. Also, no one said you have to do it, But I'm sure you will end up doing it ;D
Quote from: Terror on July 26, 2011, 06:02:58 PM
Mike, These are custom quests with different items and rewards. They are not like Runescapes quests. Also, no one said you have to do it, But I'm sure you will end up doing it ;D
I dont play ingame anymore, and barely on forums so..
This won't effect you, No point being in this topic.
Let's get back to the quests, Please.
I like your idea Terror :D
Thanks Kevin :)
If you want a quest with a specific theme or anything tell me, I'd be happy to help.
You should think of a Quest for Slayer
'Beasts of Burden'
Quote from: Kevin on July 27, 2011, 06:26:54 AM
You should think of a Quest for Slayer
'Beasts of Burden'
Alright, I'm on it. Anything specific you'd like me to add?
Beasts Of Burdens.
Difficulty: Advanced, 9/10 difficulty
Requirements: Recommended 130 Combat level, Good Armour, A strong weapon, Potions and Food.
Locations: Slayer tower and Kalphite queen dungeon.
Story line: You talk to a man in Lumbridge who teleports you to the Slayer tower, Once you're there you talk to Vanaka (I know he's already an NPC who sells skillcapes but he's the traditional Slayer Master) he explains that the slayer tower is getting over ran by Rats and Spiders. You ask if you could be of assistance he says that wod be terrific if you do so i'l reward you. You ask what you need to do he explains that you need to kill 30 spiders and tell you that these spiders are located in the last room of the slayer tower. He also explains that there are many other monsters that are in the room leading up to it, they may attack you so be careful he says. They also drop items they may be of use to you in future rooms so make sure you pick up everything you can. Vanaka gives you a gem you ask what it's for he explains that if you use it, it will tell you how many spiders you have left to kill. Try not to loose it he says he then hands over restore potions and says that they will restore your skills if weakened by Npc's, Make sure you have some left against the spiders. Once you've done all that you proceed into the rooms. The rooms are as listed.
Room 1 - Giant Rats (Level 16)
Room 2 - Lesser demons (Level 72)
Room 3 - Crawling hands (level 106, They reduce your Strength)
Room 4 - Jungle demons (Level 300, They lower your attack)
Room 5 - Spiders (Level 350, They lower all your stats but have 150 Hp) This is the last floor.
Once you have killed all the spiders you click on the gem and it tells you that you've killed 30 spiders and asks If you would like to be teleported back to Vanaka, If you click yes you'll be taken back to Vanaka. Once you're back you talk to him and you will tell him that you've killed 30 spiders he will then say thank you. He tells you that you can keep the Gem and keep anything that you have picked up along the way. He then asks you if you can help him with another issue that has occurred. You accept. He explains that "The Queen" has been set loose and if she isn't stopped the whole of All-Go-Free is in danger of her over-powering strength. She has been spotted in a near by area, I have a item that can teleport you to this area (Kalphite Dungeon), Take it and when you're ready to face "The queen" you can use the item I have just given you. Beware of her awesome power and strength, And make sure you bring plenty of food and potions!
Once you're done talking to Vanaka and you're ready to take on "the queen" you click the item and it takes you to the Kalphite Queens dungeon (Kalphite Queen - Level 372). If you kill the Kalphite queen you'll be teleported back to Vanaka and he will thank you for slaying the Kalphite queen. He rewards you (Rewards are underneath this).
Rewards: The ability to level up Slayer, A Slayer helmet, Access to the slayer tower (Awesome drops), Access to the Kalphite Queens dungeon (Good rare drops), Access to the slayer shop (Shop includes: Ear muffs, Nose Peg, Various boots, Gloves and possibly other new items) and Access to Vanaka to give you slayer tasks.
This is a rough edit that I made in 40 minutes, I'll get more in depth if needed when I'm back on my computer.
I'd also like to suggest a token system attached to slayer, Like when you complete a slayer task you receive a certain Amount of tokens which you can spend at the shop. If you do that you can add awesome new items to the shop like Barrow gloves, Saradomin sword, Godswords etc.
If any of you feel that anything else should be added to this quest, Comment here :)
Great idea, i love quests!! I support you
Thanks Jordi.
C'mon people keep the suggestions up!
Maybe think of something about herblore or thieving, don't really have any ideas for them though. ???
Do you mean thieving involved in quests =o? Like in order to thieve, you have to do numerous quests :[]?
Quote from: Dug on July 30, 2011, 08:30:03 AM
Do you mean thieving involved in quests =o? Like in order to thieve, you have to do numerous quests :[]?
Well, No. But when Ryan releases something major it should have a Quest behind it, In my opinion. Also you wouldn't have to so numerous quests just one to allow you to thieve, If there were to be one for thieving.
Also they, The All-Go-Free team, might create quests that involves thieving, or whatever skill it is, to help gain you Xp or help you unlock a new Boss/Item.
Quests are so time consuming and fun. Worldscape DEFINETLY needs Quests after the criticism they've gotten from "critics". No that I'm complaining, I love the game.
great idea!!! that would improve the game alot! plus that would improve the use of clans, expanding them to more than just pking.
also just to add something too it, maybe quest points could be made to where you could buy certain items from a shop. also quests could add quest capes. certain items you might be able to buy might also be custom items made my developers. just an idea.
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