WorldScape Blitz

Your Thoughts => Rants => Topic started by: unique on July 24, 2011, 12:56:56 PM

Title: The Community.
Post by: unique on July 24, 2011, 12:56:56 PM
I've played worldscape for four years on various different accounts and it's been great. The game itself I have no problem with it's just that quite a few of the players are kind of annoying pricks.. Not everyone, definately not everyone or i would have quit a long time ago, just a few 30%.. maybe less. Most of these people are the people who throw abuse at people, name calling, threatining to hack etc.. but its really not just these people. Its also a few of the more familiar faces. Im not going to name names.. but some of the people that think there superior because of there level or items need help.. seriously you piss me off and another certain type of people that annoy me are the people who suck up to these people.. I dont know what causes this. It might just be your unlucky and you get alot of faggots who find out about the game.. or it could be the people either way this servers not going anywhere anytime soon if you guys dont start to change..

My advice,
  Stop thinking that the only thing that will attract new players is the new skills or new items some people are just looking for a nice server (fagg0t free).. and its not going to attract 1000 players straight away but its a start.. And you wont have to look to ry and the other various admins to help attract players, no, this you can do all by yourself. And if you think about it he's done all this for you the least you could do is stop being complete assh0le's.. Goodluck
Title: Re: The Community.
Post by: dieknowsawr on July 24, 2011, 01:03:25 PM
Just report them, don't stop .. They'll eventually stop .. Some of this isn't necessary .. Just sayin'.
Title: Re: The Community.
Post by: Sora on July 24, 2011, 10:39:36 PM
In this world, there are always going to be idiots who do horrible things. When this happens, we need to learn how to ignore them.  :)
And, in my opinion, the only thing to attract more players is probably, you're right, TRY and get rid of these idiots. Some of them just keep coming back just to annoy us. When you get mad when someone annoys you, they just want to do it more because they like seeing you get pissed. But, when you just ignore them, they aren't having any fun anymore so they'll eventually stop. In my opinion, to attract new players, we need to advertise like getting our friends to play, but NOT advertising WorldScape on another server because it'll just make our server look bad.  8)
Title: Re: The Community.
Post by: Jake on July 24, 2011, 11:12:33 PM
I wouldn't class this as a "community" rant because there's only a hand full of these guys. The community is the reason I stay here, And because I love the game, you just need to learn to ignore these type of people. It's awfully hard at times but it's worth it, Retaliating fuels them and makes it worse.

Ignore and Report is all you could do.
Title: Re: The Community.
Post by: Kevin on July 25, 2011, 12:37:16 AM
Quote from: Terror on July 24, 2011, 11:12:33 PM
I wouldn't class this as a "community" rant because there's only a hand full of these guys. The community is the reason I stay here, And because I love the game, you just need to learn to ignore these type of people. It's awfully hard at times but it's worth it, Retaliating fuels them and makes it worse.

Ignore and Report is all you could do.

In the end it is the community that has to take the blame for this, if you someone being a douche stand up to them tell them they are wrong, if you guys fight against the negatives this server would be a lot better place. I know on my side accounts I don't get treated FAR the same as I do if I were on my Admin account.
Title: Re: The Community.
Post by: Jake on July 25, 2011, 02:17:56 AM
Well, I suppose you're right. People suck up to staff to be, pretty much, noticed but they don't understand that being nice to normal players is just as important.

Hopefully this will all change for the better.
Title: Re: The Community.
Post by: Wild on July 26, 2011, 04:30:48 AM
Every server has assh0les.
Title: Re: The Community.
Post by: Jake on July 26, 2011, 07:37:29 AM
Quote from: x wild x on July 26, 2011, 04:30:48 AM
Every server has assh0les.
That's because they don't do anything about it. Worldscapes community is a one of a kind community, We could do something about this.