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Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: Bill on December 16, 2008, 10:12:30 PM

Title: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Bill on December 16, 2008, 10:12:30 PM
Ok this 17 year old kid kills his parents because they wouldn't let him play Halo 3. He shot both of them but his father lived. All he really had to do though was sneak-play it over his friends house LOL. Here is the article from

ELYRIA — Daniel Petric shot his parents -- killing his mother -- because they wouldn't allow him to play the violent video game Halo 3, prosecutors told a judge at the boy's murder trial Monday.

The trial, on charges of murder and attempted murder, opened Monday for Petric, 17, of Brighton Township. He is being tried without a jury before Lorain County Common Pleas Judge James Burge.

Prosecutors are not seeking the death penalty because of Petric's age. In their opening state ments, prosecutors outlined this version of events surrounding the shooting:

In September 2007, Daniel, then 16, had sneaked out of his bedroom window to purchase the game at a store against his father's orders. When he returned home, his parents caught him with the game and took it from him. His father, Mark, a minister at New Life Assembly of God in Wellington, put the game in a lockbox in a closet where he also kept a 9mm handgun, according to prosecutors.

About a month later, on Oct. 20, 2007, Daniel used his father's key to open the lockbox and remove the gun and the game. The boy shot his parents, killing his mother and gravely wounding his father. As his father lay wounded, Daniel tried to place the gun in his father's hand.

Daniel fled after his sister and her husband arrived at the house, taking the Halo 3 game with him.

Also on Monday, a tearful Mark Petric testified that his son came up behind him as he sat on the couch and said, "Would you guys close your eyes? I have a surprise for you."

Petric, 45, said he "expected a pleasant surprise" and closed his eyes. Then his head went numb. As the blood poured from a bullet wound in his head, he realized his wife, Susan Petric, 43, was lying dead on a nearby loveseat, shot in the head, arms and chest.

Petric said his son shoved the gun into his hand saying, "Hey Dad, here's your gun. Take it."

Mark Petric broke down on the witness stand as he said he believes he survived the shooting only because his daughter and husband arrived at the house to watch an Indians game. He heard his son telling them they couldn't come inside.

"You guys shouldn't come in," Mark Petric recalled his son saying. "Mom and Dad had a big argument."

The couple, Heidi and Andrew Archer, testified they heard a moan - possibly their names being groaned - from inside the house, pushed their way in and found the elder Petric wounded and his wife dead. The elder Petric, through his shattered jaw, managed to say his son had shot him, while Daniel tried to blame his father.

Heidi Archer called 9-1-1 and then realized that Daniel had picked up the handgun that had been lying on the couch. Her husband took the gun from the boy, who gave it up without resistance.

The boy ran out of the house and fled in the family van. He was caught by Wellington police a short time later, the Halo 3 game still on the front seat.

Daniel showed little emotion throughout the trial except when his mother's autopsy photos were flashed on a large screen. He bowed his head and stared at his hands for about 20 minutes while the photos were discussed.

Petric was allowed to visit his son in jail over the past year. He said his son has apologized. "Dad, I'm so sorry for what I did to Mom, to you and to the family," Daniel said, according to his father. "I'm so glad you are alive."

"You're my son," Petric responded. "You're my boy."

He said his wife and their son had a very close relationship.

"He was always her little boy," Petric told the judge.

Heidi Archer said the family has forgiven her brother and want him to come home because the family cannot heal until they are all together.

Daniel's lawyer, James Kersey, gave a short opening statement. He said his client had been under great stress at the time of the shooting because of a snowboarding accident that resulted in a severe staph infection. It left Daniel with such severe spinal damage that the slightest injury could leave him paralyzed.

Daniel was homebound for a year with nothing to do but watch television and play video games, Kersey said. It was during that time that he became fascinated with the Halo series and would play them for hours at friends' houses. His father forbade the games, saying that were too violent and sexually explicit.

To view pictures of what they look like (not dead, of course) go here:
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read M
Post by: Zack on December 16, 2008, 10:40:30 PM
Towards the end it was really sad  :'(
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Pure01owner on December 17, 2008, 06:19:29 AM
Dude... Speechless Woah :o

Guess He Like Halo
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Flame on December 17, 2008, 10:49:49 AM
wow that's disgusting that someone would shoot their own parents especially over some stupid game
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Bill on December 17, 2008, 03:44:36 PM
Well, video games are basically the leading cause of things like this. Especially with a game like Grand Theft Auto, but they're fun  :-\
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: maddy on December 17, 2008, 03:45:51 PM
even if you were under stress....there is no reason to get flipped out over a will live....there are betters things in life to be doing.
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Bill on December 17, 2008, 03:52:38 PM
If this kid even cares, I bet he didn't know what he had until he lost it.
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read M
Post by: Chaoslancex on December 18, 2008, 11:09:48 AM
omfg wth he omg wow
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Pure01owner on December 18, 2008, 09:35:53 PM
I Have 2 Admit I Hit Someone That Told Me 2 Get Off The Computer But Only Brother... :-X
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read M
Post by: Bill on December 18, 2008, 09:37:35 PM
Quote from: chaoslancex on December 18, 2008, 11:09:48 AM
omfg wth he omg wow

What?! LMAO
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Pure01owner on December 19, 2008, 02:08:06 AM
Lol hes Speechless
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Mia on December 19, 2008, 04:35:46 AM
Yes, i agree with you Bill, violent games do lead to violence in real life, That's how my fat brother got that way -.-
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: maddy on December 19, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
lol, mia. (fat brother) o.O
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Pure01owner on December 19, 2008, 10:43:02 PM
well shes not talking about me o.o im not fat am i wahhhh lawl
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: maddy on December 19, 2008, 10:47:32 PM
lol. (fat brother, haha!!)
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Pure01owner on December 19, 2008, 11:13:31 PM
im not fat... this stoy is sad about halo =[
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: maddy on December 19, 2008, 11:19:41 PM
hmmmmhmmmm sad sad!! :( sad that the person did that over halo, a video game!! sheesh people theese days need their video game i guess
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Pure01owner on December 19, 2008, 11:33:33 PM
rolf u bet u would do it if someone told u 2 get of ws
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: maddy on December 20, 2008, 12:54:44 AM
lol would not i am not addicted lol. atleast not like that.
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Pure01owner on December 20, 2008, 12:58:02 AM
lol if i was telling u 2 get off u would shot me o.o
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: maddy on December 20, 2008, 01:14:28 AM
lol tell me to get off, lol you will see what i do. :) i mean if you want me to leave lol you will see what will happen!! :) (my threats are awesome)
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Pure01owner on December 20, 2008, 01:47:09 AM
Quote from: maddy on December 20, 2008, 01:14:28 AM
lol tell me to get off, lol you will see what i do. :) i mean if you want me to leave lol you will see what will happen!! :) (my threats are awesome)
lol ur threats are awesome!!! u bake me some cookie big threat lawl  ;D :D
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read M
Post by: Zack on December 20, 2008, 09:53:51 AM
I've been playing GTA since I was like 8 years old and it hasn't affected me.
Title: Re: Kid Murders Mother And Father Because They Wouldn't Let Him Play Halo Read More
Post by: Pure01owner on December 20, 2008, 09:31:19 PM
i remnber playing gta 1 on playstation that owned