Its my first time using gimp, but , i made a banner.. Feel free to comment .. Rate 1 out of 10. Thanks.
7 out of 10?xD i like it any way
My advice is get a better font :P Other than that, it's good.
Background: 6/10
Font: 1/10
Quote from: eyeownyew on June 18, 2011, 05:27:42 AM
My advice is get a better font :P Other than that, it's great.
Background: 9/10
Font: 2/10
Are you from Moparscape? :D
I say 3/10. Red text = not good choice and it has a BORING font.
I'm sorry to say, but 2/10.
It seems flat, and it doesn't seems to be very appealing.
Some suggestions I would give you are to watch some tutorials, and to get a wider variety of brushes/fonts. - Fonts. - Brushes.