Hello everyone, i just wanted to that..within the past 2-3 days i was not online like normal..i was in and out...
anyways what i wanted to say...yeserday "Vista X" told me some lvl 100 said i was giving away free foxes and ham outfits. I found out about this when he told me on aim..
QuoteAeux Vsx (9:20:46 PM):[Offline IM sent 1h and 59m ago] OMG UR TRYING TO GET IP BANNED!!!
Jeremyramp (11:19:39 PM): i am?
Aeux Vsx (11:21:15 PM): people said ur giving away items like ham and foxes
Jeremyramp (11:21:21 PM): o.O
Jeremyramp (11:21:32 PM): oh btw..you can't
Jeremyramp (11:23:27 PM): i gave mia ham cause shes a beta tester o.O
Jeremyramp (11:23:38 PM): Not sure about foxes
Aeux Vsx (11:23:42 PM): not that
Aeux Vsx (11:24:02 PM): I saw level 100s saying trini boys handing out cool items like foxes and ham
Jeremyramp (11:24:10 PM): oooo?
Jeremyramp (11:24:23 PM): i have not been on classic in past 2 day
Jeremyramp (11:24:29 PM): and wwhats his screen name?
as you can see..he never told me the person who ever said that...
Anyways... I do know i gave out a set of "HAM, white knight amour, 500k ice-bar, and some chompy hat things..... but i gave to mia, Lv3 3 pwns you, and Vista x. cause they are consider beta-tester...
i don't know if anyone said anything else..but im saying this now and again "I AM NOT GIVING OUT ITEMS OR SELLING ANY OF MINES"
I know players like "Kingtoenail" always told me some player scammed him "item" and he needs one "really badly"
Oh yeah...why are both of my accounts banned ? i don't understand.. anyways the screen names are "triniboy" and "triniboy64" :-\
P.S... Some person made some bots account named.. "trinidad, trinimom, trinizezima,trinijesus,trinibrother...and trinisister(trinisister was mia) and a few others... >:(
ive never even seen ham of fox lol, well i know what ham is but what is fox thanks
mia and Vista X had foxes....
beta testers can spawn that stuff on blitz.
Not anymore, Ry made it so items in classic and blitz are no longer connected.
thats good >:(
ya if it were still connectable then nothing in classic would be rare because it would have spread so thats a good thing that he did that
well if no one didnt give out rares we would not have this problem..
I remeber yeserday Pure01owner told me that someone was selling 1k of chompy hat things...where the.... do you get 1k of that..i don't even think theres even 1k of them on the server.
wheres my chompy bird hat >:(
Quote from: Nhl06s' Signature
My Internet will be cut off on Monday 22nd December because im moving, broadband will be installed in the new house on January 2nd.
We'll miss you!
Quote from: Nhl06 on December 18, 2008, 05:46:40 PM
wheres my chompy bird hat >:(
Your not worth giving a chompy hat...lolz jking..
anyways...stuff like that admins/mod's should be watching at...as that can effect the woldscape classic.
P.S yeah we will miss you while your gone :-[