Honestly, this makes me mad.. I see like 3 semi-active staff members.. Bill, Program and some what Amanda..
Worldscape is running raped , we need a little more authority.. I know it's exams and stuff. But still.
R@nt 0v3R
There is a lot of stuff the staff do that you don't see. Each staff member is a staff member for a reason, and they stay staff because they do their job.
We need atleast two forums mods IMO. (Luke back plz.)
Aaron's doing just fine. He's not on like 24/7 but no one is.. He does a good job in the time he's on.
And everyone is saying we have bad staff or they don't do their job..etc when you guys can't see the hidden staff boards. i'm sure It's full of jobs for them to do without us even knowing.
You guys should stop questioning Ryan Danny and Bill's opinion on Staff members. They see that they are fit for the job after watching them for a while and know they will do their job well.
And most people aren't active now because of Exams bro.. :-\
Quote from: Program on June 17, 2011, 03:07:13 PM
Quote from: M I K E on June 17, 2011, 12:50:25 PM
We need atleast two forums mods IMO. (Luke back plz.)
We have two. (Myself and Avery)
Well avery is more in game guy and doesnt really moderate the forums..
Avery is an admin also, so it kind of counters his forum mod-ship.
On topic,
It seems that there are not enough around anymore.
Yes i agree with diek i have seen more hack clients on report a player thread than anything else.... :(
What does hack clients have to do with the amount of staff we currently have?
I've been on for 2 or so hours, and i've seen 1 staff member online. .. :\
A lot of our staff are currently very busy, whether it is schoolwork, or real life problems.
Staff are active, just not all the time.
We'll get more active staff when we have more players.