how do you buy items. you know like on rs you have ge.. do you have anything here?
Use the command ::theshop
Worldscape does not have "The Grand Exchange" but we got the command, "::theshop". Like ^^^^ told. We also got a nice community wich probably will give you some items, to start with. At ::northpole you can get bandos.
You cannot get Bandos on Classic. You can get barrows items from ::northpole.
You can also get other items from ::northpole.
Quote from: Pride on June 05, 2011, 06:12:32 PM
You cannot get Bandos on Classic. You can get barrows items from ::northpole.
You can also get other items from ::northpole.
Srry i dont know the difference
WorldScape only contains items In-Game 377 and down. Therefore there isn't any godswords or bandos yet. To get items I would recommend going to ::northpole ::coolparty and ::etele run east to the shades next to the bank, you can save up money. I would also suggest asking politely to other players if you can have items, just don't bug them or ask for rares. If you catch me In-Game I can hook you up.
Quote from: Kevin on June 06, 2011, 05:46:07 AM
WorldScape only contains items In-Game 377 and down. Therefore there isn't any godswords or bandos yet. To get items I would recommend going to ::northpole ::coolparty and ::etele run east to the shades next to the bank, you can save up money. I would also suggest asking politely to other players if you can have items, just don't bug them or ask for rares. If you catch me In-Game I can hook you up.
I can also hook you up. My name In-Game: Jack