I don't need exact answers but they would be helpful I just need help understanding some of this better..(For exams..hard teacher...nothing to study from..you know..)
My mind has went completely blank :'(
1. Find number of moles if you have 120 grams of AlSO4
2. Find number if moles for 500g of K3MnO4
3. Find amount of substance if you have 2.3 moles of Ga(OH)3
4. Find work if the force is 17N and the distance moved is 18.75 m
5. Find power if the work done is 800 J and the time taken is 180 seconds
Try YahooAnswers instead. They have hundreds of thousands of people waiting to help you. We have a maximum of 100 people who check the forums. Most people are like me and haven't taken.... biology? Chemistry?
That's the thing, I have tried that..:(
Try it on a more popular server then. Try the Off-Topic section on other servers' forums. Don't stay there though. We want need you here.
Oh boy, chemistry.... That's what we're learning about too, i'm having trouble with it. :-X
I'm in Earth Science... It's pretty easy. We learned about tornadoes and lightning last week. I have 99.89% in that class.
im out of school!!!!
Like Nick said, yahooanswers, Answers.com..etc. They have WAY more active people and those people will be older people also who will know about this.
I can ask you this from other forums, ill post answers soon..
EDIT:These are the answers i got:
lmfaooo! nasa homework
ChaCha can help too if im not mistake. If your stuck on the other ones.
Or, if you just want to give up completely.. use Wolfram Alpha.
Example: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=120+grams+of+AlSO4+%3D+moles
But I recommend trying to figure it out instead by looking for material like this: http://misterguch.brinkster.net/molarmass.html.
A lot of sites may explain things in much simpler, easier to understand ways than a teacher would.
Or sometimes they just give you that "Ohhh yeaaahhh" moment, once you read over it.
rarghgh Made an 80 on the homework. D:
The Physics Problems have rules..Why don't know revise them? (I studied them But i don't remember them sorry.) =(