How did you came to allgofree?
Me and Mazen came from a friend who told us that there is a game better than RS.
Maxmager showed me or Max (brandon) he was at my house and got on!!!! =]
Searched for server on youtube, saw this one as a comment.
Found this a long time ago on the Moparscape status page.
Well i started playing cause of my cousin, he's name was naruto12 and he use to play it using moparscape thing and i was on Runescape one day and he pm and said dude go to moparscape and put " or i think that what it was before anyhow i did not want to do it cause i thought i would like hack me lmfao and i did not do it till i went to he's house and he actually showed me that he could log on and nothing bad happen. after that i made my account started to train and lmfao i loved the northpole XD and how you did not need membership to use member items or items like Dragon and Dh ect XD and free phats, and santa hats! since then i loved this game. have not even played any other servers as long as i have played AGF.
Went to about 3 random RSPS's after quitting RuneScape(I'd known what they were, but never actually played one.), they all sucked, finally came here(probably saw it on a list on some site), liked how it wasn't managed terribly and stayed. Played a while (.... About two weeks), then figured being a Moderator looked like a good idea since I knew I was right for the job. Fixed my grammar, made sure not to get myself considered a wannabe. When I finally got it, since I actually had a commitment, I kept playing for a year or so.
Sir Tor's video on youtube. I was amazed at how you get 1b of each rune.
LOL @ NOOB LEIGH...But you were older than sir tor,aren't ya?
Two guys, Nilsson223 and Bertil55555, showed me this at their house. They quitted a long time ago, lol.
I honestly have no idea how i found this, i think i got lost on Google and boom, i was here and still here after 4 sweet years! XD
Most people found this game by a coincidence then.
Weird as it is, I always found a good-ish server but ended up like dominating it in about a week.. eventually I found this and stuck to it. 8)
*Dug Moment*
I came here by a friend "Sauke", one of my best irl friends. I loved how the server was coded, and as soon as he told me that it was all from scratch and skills could go higher then 99 I tried to no life it.. But failed :). I just wish i didn't spend all that time playing Worldscape when i had to study for my exams =\.
Haha Dug.. ::)
And There was an old member that brought me here from another server, i can't recall his name though.. It's been too long.
Way too long, and it's time we do the same don't you think?
3 years back , I googled something got lost , found this, been here for 3 years . :)
Leigh was supposed to be making money on our runescape account. -_- He got bored and found this. Anyway when I came home from school he showed me northpole and I freaked out cause he got Torag from a drop, lol.
Believe it or not.
4 Years ago I was at a computer cafe because I didn't have internet (I was 9). I saw a guy playing Worldscape he had 111 Magic, then I've been here ever since. =)
Quote from: Connor on June 25, 2011, 12:30:48 PM
I freaked out cause he got Torag from a drop, lol.
Yes that happened to me also..I was like WTF F*CKING GREAT SERVER! STUPID RS!