Guys, i got a ps3 a while ago and i wanted to make this post for you guys to add me on PSN (PlayStation Network). When you add me, post on this topic also telling me your PSN username so i know exactly who you are.
My PSN username is: fran-man56
Add me and tell me who you are so I know.
PS: I play on my friends PS3, so i might not be on as much.
I rarely play it.
I only play Call Of Duty, mostly MW2.
If you want to play that with me, I'm good. :D
Psn Name:Kyle011098
Half my day is usually spent on there ::) but i won't be on till tommorow.
Add me: Connor--2k10
My PSN is Shockwave12 if anyone wants to add me.
Battlefield Bad Company 2, Red Dead Redemption, Black Ops, Resident Evil 5, Borderlands are the game I play online mostly.