Hey guys,
I was just thinking on things Ryan/Staff could add to the forums to enhance it a bit.
I thought of a new board that I think would be nice to have but could be a big fail..
A general Programming board/Developers Diary.
This would be where an AllGoFree member could post work that they coded and made and show it off/help people learn. Yes, this would need some restrictions like there could be RSPS coding and stuff, but it would just have to be the CODE and not the name or anything.. And Maybe Ryan could post some stuff about how he coded Classic/Blitz..etc. ::)
This has been requested before in the past. It's something we're not sure about because of like you said, the negatives to it such as posting server names or ips, or just very pointless code being posted. This might be a board that is implemented in the future, but for now it's probably just an idea.
Alright.. Maybe posts would have to be approved by an admin before they show to everyone else?
Quote from: Drunk Mario on May 20, 2011, 02:27:55 PM
Alright.. Maybe posts would have to be approved by an admin before they show to everyone else?
If there's an "approval by moderator" module for this version of smf for making new topics then yeah there's a higher chance of the board being made.
Me Win? (http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1128)
Ryan is going to be updating the forums anyways, I believe the mod would be useless because there is going to be one already made inside of it.
No need for that then. :P
I support this as long as we don't get updates such as "Shades now have 162 HP instead of 161". I'd like to see things like five Shades being added or if a monster drops a new rare once in every 30,000 kills (lotto).
You got the wrong idea Nick.
It isn't an UPDATE board.. it would be aboard where Ryan could post like HOW he CODED blitz/classic.. like some of his codes and others could post something they made in Java or Php..etc
A Coding Board.
Oh, then no, I do not support this board suggestion. Only a few people from the community and maybe ten people from other communities would look at this, much less use it.
More people would use it then you think, Nick.
Also It would be interesting to see other peoples' work.
Yeah, i would like to have more boards, i really love posting on forums..
Its getting pretty boring if there isnt more boards..
They should make Runescape section and "PvP" child board and some other child boards..
Makes me sad that you guys have all these suggestions after I asked for your ideas and no one had any. xD
We don't think of EVERYTHING right away, jazmen. ;)
Derp. 's why it makes me sad.
Quote from: Insomnom on May 21, 2011, 05:30:46 PM
Makes me sad that you guys have all these suggestions after I asked for your ideas and no one had any. xD
Me thinks mine ownself had a good idea. Who supports that there be a board made where I can just dump all my stupid shit? It can be viewed by anyone. It'd be for the shits and giggles of the community.
Quote from: Sad Panda on May 21, 2011, 11:47:11 PM
Quote from: Insomnom on May 21, 2011, 05:30:46 PM
Makes me sad that you guys have all these suggestions after I asked for your ideas and no one had any. xD
Me thinks mine ownself had a good idea. Who supports that there be a board made where I can just dump all my stupid shit? It can be viewed by anyone. It'd be for the shits and giggles of the community.
I recall reading in the Forum Rules that we're not supposed to fee the trolls. ::)
Now stop getting off topic pl0x.
Quote from: Program on May 22, 2011, 03:19:07 AM
I'm in support as long as it's a general programming board.
That's what i'd like it to be. ::)
100% agreeance , id love to see a board like this.
I support, because I would love to see some of the programming that our community does.
Quote from: Program on May 23, 2011, 01:04:14 AM
Let's get Bill in here to make it happen. :)
We Shall. ;)
*Pms Bill*
I support, I know Java so i'll contribute.
Hopefully this will be put into action! 8)