Do you like this game : D?.
I play a game on the iTouch called Eden. It's MineCraft, just you can't make things like ladders or chests. 20 basic materials and you have an infinite supply of them.
Terraria is quite different than Minecraft but yes, it does implement a LOT of the same ideas.
-shrug- I'd play it- If it were free.
Let's see, I can actually quote from Skype on this one.
[5/16/2011 9:28:54 PM] Flandre Scarlet: Grab your tools and go! You can do many things in Terraria: make weapons and fight off a variety of enemies in numerous biomes, dig deep underground to find accessories, money, and other useful things, gather wood, stone, ores, and other resources to create everything you need to make the world your own and defend it. Build a house, a fort, even a castle, and people will move in to live there and perhaps even sell you different wares to assist you on your journey. But beware, there are even more challenges awaiting you... Are you up to the task?
[5/16/2011 9:29:27 PM] Flandre Scarlet: Minecraft version:
Craft your tools and go! You can do many things in Minecraft: make weapons and fight off a variety of enemies in numerous biomes, dig deep underground to find useful things, gather wood, stone, ores, and other resources to create everything you need to make the world your own and defend it. Build a house, a fort, even a castle, and people will move in to live there and perhaps even sell you different wares to assist you on your journey. But beware, there are even more challenges awaiting you... Are you up to the task?
tl;dr Description exactly fits both with a couple tiny differences.
Just thought that was kind of funny. Never actually played the game, so I won't comment on it.
Quote from: Flandre on May 18, 2011, 03:05:33 AM
[5/16/2011 9:29:27 PM] Flandre Scarlet: Minecraft version:
..and people will move in to live there and perhaps even sell you different wares to assist you on your journey..
Missed a difference there, that's not right. =P
But yeah. General comparisons are pretty much the same.
Could do that with a loooot of games though. Quite entertaining, actually.
Old version of Mario with a hint of Minecraft.
I'm surprised that most people like this.
Quote from: Insomnom on May 17, 2011, 04:33:42 PM
Terraria is quite different than Minecraft but yes, it does implement a LOT of the same ideas.
-shrug- I'd play it- If it were free.
Well, why not play it then :D? "hint-hint".
Because I'm in a lazy mood.
..but thank you @Skype. ;D