For me, this is a very sad day, some on my school f*cked up my ''new'' phone (HTC Desire HD), they failed on the code so many times that it's locked, I can't open the shit -.- It says I need my Google account (Do they except me to remember it, omg?)
So if anyone knows a way out of my situtation (besides bying a new phone, it's expensive-.-) so please help me :]
Quote from: Program on May 09, 2011, 09:48:47 AM
Sorry I can't help you, I've never owned a HTC phone. You definitively shouldn't have to buy a new phone for something like that.. do a bit of googling.
I tried, alot! but the freaky phone wont work..
Did you buy the phone from a shop?
Ask there..?
bring him back and asked a new one.
I really loves my dad atm, he called the fools and they made it.. It's just like a new one :]
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