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Started by gomes97, April 30, 2011, 06:34:13 AM

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I hope you can understand me.
with clans it is often so there is a good clan that will stop them and then after about one month why?
I mean clans as black tigers and there are more examples though.
but the best part of this game is all clans pkiing and then stop very quickly then there's nothing more!
You can say anything about death zone, but I think that people who make an example of a clan call that clan clan is because they need to take a long time.
When you see it dont understand it.

made by Predator
Number 2 attack
Death zone ex dcd and Co owner
Number 2 best dutch pker.
Got voting legandray pker
3rd best pker
Ex team Psycho owner


I think what you mean is that every clan besides Death Zone never lasts, and it's no fun because the best part of Classic is pking.
Is that correct?
All the clan that try and rebel against Death Zone end up getting destroyed and corrupted. And the owners eventually close them.


Quote from: Tinyyoshi on April 30, 2011, 09:49:06 AM
I think what you mean is that every clan besides Death Zone never lasts, and it's no fun because the best part of Classic is pking.
Is that correct?
All the clan that try and rebel against Death Zone end up getting destroyed and corrupted. And the owners eventually close them.

yes s o they start playing one week to one month and stop for a reason.

made by Predator
Number 2 attack
Death zone ex dcd and Co owner
Number 2 best dutch pker.
Got voting legandray pker
3rd best pker
Ex team Psycho owner


That's what I got from it.
None of the clans last here, so there's not really any competition or fun rivalries between clans.
"There are two kinds of failures: those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought." -L. J. Peter

Made by Pride.


Black Tigers closed because of the event of Sad Panda being banned on the forums.

Rampage Jake

i dont even see why there is clans tbh, they hardly do any clan events and they try to dominate a wildy when there is no more then 5 people, i could do that myself lol i dont need a clan to do that  ;D


Quote from: Pride on April 30, 2011, 10:03:16 AM
Black Tigers closed because of the event of Sad Panda being banned on the forums.

it was just an example because I knew that clan had stopped last

made by Predator
Number 2 attack
Death zone ex dcd and Co owner
Number 2 best dutch pker.
Got voting legandray pker
3rd best pker
Ex team Psycho owner

Drunk Mario

Well, There are no good-ish clans now besides Deathzone because When they fight Deathzone, they don't fight fair; they always fight at least double the amount of people you have fighting, and when you die they LOOT..etc.

Deathzone just needs to chill a bit i think.

(Don't rage this post, It's MY opinion.)

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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you should f*cking stop using google translator. It's damn hard to understand what you mean.

Begrepen? comprendre?


Hey Vodka, how about you shut up?
It's even harder to understand him in dutch since most people on here are english.
You know how hard he tries to try and make us understand him?
So don't treat him like shit and don't tell him to do that.
Gomes, just ignore what he says and keep doing what you think is right.


Quote from: Tinyyoshi on April 30, 2011, 03:31:03 PM
Hey Vodka, how about you shut up?
It's even harder to understand him in dutch since most people on here are english.
You know how hard he tries to try and make us understand him?
So don't treat him like shit and don't tell him to do that.
Gomes, just ignore what he says and keep doing what you think is right.

Chill you dog. I'm only sayin he should typ him self xcept for using translator since translator mess up da grammer. He better type him self. I could understand betta when he typed him self dog.
So hush your self.


Quote from: v0dka on April 30, 2011, 03:22:12 PM
you should f*cking stop using google translator. It's damn hard to understand what you mean.

Begrepen? comprendre?
You should gtfo. I'm tired of people reading on him, he's still learning english. And since you make jokes learn how to spell vodka. No 0. All letters.

And look how you're typing.
'nuff said.


Tyren, Don't start hating on my cousin. Calvin made his point. All he said is that gomes should typ him self instead of using a translator.
So what's the reason to starting swearing and cussing on him? Back off dogs, it ain't a rage. damn.. Kids..



Ever think if Gomes doesn't know how to say his exact feelings in english? You can tell what he's saying... Not cussing..
Quote from: v0dka on April 30, 2011, 03:22:12 PM
That is. Anyways....

Yeah, Clans do die out fast. I think it's cause people lose friends from it. Only reason why I don't want to make my own.


Capz, I don't care if he's your brother, I don't care if he's your mother, I don't care if he's your father, your brother needs to learn some respect and i hope you teach him some of that. He shouldn't have said what he said. Gomes is still trying to learn english. He's dutch like you. And if he can't appreciate how much gomes tries to make friends, that's pretty sad. People ignore him because he can't speak english well. But I believe you shouldn't hate someone just because they can't do something right. Instead of critizizing him, try helping him. Tell that to your "bro".